The end

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I shower, brush my teeth, and get dressed. I have a suit from when Wendy and I were dating, it was big on me then, but it fits perfectly now.

I put on a red tie... cause I remember Kyle said I looked good in red.

My mom insist that she do my hair so I let her. That was a big mistake. She slicked back all my hair away from my eyes. Which I hated.
"Mom! I look like a loser."
"No, you don't you look adorable!"

I shake my hands through my hair until it looks normal again.

I think about today. I think about how Craig knew I was gay. I hated that. I decide that I don't want anyone else to find out unless it's from me.

"Hey, mom." I call her into my room.

"Yeah honey. Oh what happened to your hair? It looked so good."

"Mom, I'm gay"

She laughs

"What no, mom I'm serious. Why are you laughing?"

"Cause I already know that, honey."

"God dammit! Why does this keep happening?"

"What are you talking about?"

"How did you know?"

"Stan, you know I put your laundry away right?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Oh, is that how it gets there."

She laughs "yep, that includes your underwear."

"Oh shit..." I keep a sick amount of men's underwear catalogs in my underwear drawer.

She flips my hair back and kisses me on the forehead. "Have fun tonight, oh and tell Kyle I said hi." She winks.

My jaw drops. Fuck why does she know everything?


I'm at the shitty school on a Friday night. I'm starting to get what Stan was saying about this earlier. Speaking of which, I haven't see Stan yet and I'm getting worried.

And then I see him enter through the double doors on the opposite side of the gym, and holy fuck, he looks fucking hot. His hair perfectly messy as usual. He's wearing a well fitted suit that's all black, even his button down. The only thing that's not is his tie, it's crimson red. His black and white converse pull it all together.


I'm so nervous. I think I might throw up again. I don't even see Kyle.

Then we catch each other's eyes at the same time. He's smiles at me and I melt.

He's wearing the same black dress shirt as me. He has a red bow tie and a red vest on. He looks so good in his shirt. I also love that he wore his black high top vans.
We start drifting towards each other making our way through the crowd, suddenly the music stops and Mr. Garrison is standing on the makeshift stage and says. "Alright you little assholes listen up." Everyone stops moving.

I notice Tweek and Craig right in front of me. They both look super good. Their dressed very dapper. "Hey, lookin good guys." I say to Craig.

He turns around. "Damn you clean up good Marsh."

I cock my head to the side. "Are you wearing guy-liner?"

"Noooo" he replies defensively.

"I told him it looked gay." Tweek says.

"Okay shut up everyone." Mr Garrison says. "it's time to announce the prom king and Queen." All the people nominated cheer. No one else really gives a shit.

Craig turns around and gives me a wicked grin.

He didn't.
But it would be such a Craig thing to do.

You can hear Mr. Garrison mumble "This can't be right... Oh well I don't get paid enough to give a shit."

Craig turns back around to me with his ornery smile and says "This one's for you Marsh."

"Your prom King and Queen are... Tweek Tweak and Craig Tucker"

Everyone except the people that were actually nominated are cheering now. Hell, I'm even cheering. Now I know why Craig was here so late.

Tweek and Craig walk up to the stage. Tweek gets the tiara. Craig gets the crown placed right on top of his signature blue hat.
They walk back over to me, everyone's still cheering. There's nothing high schoolers love more than someone who fucks with the system.

"That was awesome." I say

He smiles.

"I thought you were gonna get the tiara." Tweek says.

"I guess they just identified me as the top and gave me the crown." Craig teases.

"But you bottomed the last time we did it."

"Fair enough." Craig shrugs and switches their crowns.

Tweek kisses him on the cheek.

I remember that I'm looking for Kyle. But I don't see him now.

I look around aimlessly in the middle of the dance floor. And then I see him.

"Kyle, I have to tell you something " I yell

He rushes towards me. He runs his fingers through my hair and puts his lips on mine. And everything around me fades into the background noise.

I close my eyes. His lip are so soft. I place my hand on the back of his neck. We gently unlock lips. I press my forehead against his.

I can hear Craig and Tweek whistling and cheering in the background.

"What were you going to say?" he says wistfully.

"I was gonna say that I know you're gay."

He laughs a little "I wonder what would give you that idea."

I laugh a little "I was also gonna tell you, that I like you... like, a lot."

"I like you too." He puts his head on my shoulder and I place my hand on the back of his head. I notice everyone is watching us now, but I don't care.

"Hey, do you want to get out of here?" I ask

He smiles. "Where do you wanna go?"

"We can go back to my house?" I suggest.

"Is it cool if I maybe stay the night?" He grins

"I think that's a great idea." I grab his hand and we walk towards the exit. Cartman spots us and drops his punch.

Craig whistles and says. "Y'all lookin hot together."

Wendy runs up to us and gives us each a hug, she looks misty eyed. "I'm so glad you guys figured it out."

I thank her and give her another hug before leaving.

Before we are out of the gym, I hear Craig yell. "Oh! And make sure your safe word is something short."

I roll my eyes and laugh.

When we get to my house, I unbutton my shirt, loosened my tie and laid on my bed. Not gonna lie, I may be showing off a bit. Kyle takes his vest and bow off. He lays down next to me and smiles. I blush.

We talk about everything. From when Craig tried to get my attention in the library, which I confirmed was very effective, to Kyle validating that he was trying to flirt with me.

"We're so fucking dumb" I say.

"Yeah, thank god for Craig and Wendy." Kyle laughs.

We sit in silence. Not awkward though, more blissful.

I grab his hand. He looks at me and smiles.

He laces his fingers through mine and says "Don't throw yourself off the bed this time."

I slide in close to him, "I wouldn't dream of it."

He cups the side of my face.

What happened next I'll leave up to your imagination.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2019 ⏰

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