Hanging out in the Closet

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It's Tuesday morning. I feel like shit. I look like a post meth use picture. Wendy slides up to my locker. "Heyyy– oh my god, you look shit."

"Gee thanks."

"You have dark circles under your eyes."

"I know." I say

"Can I put concealer on them to cover them up?" She asks excitedly.

"What? No way in hell." Wendy's fucking high if she thinks I'm gonna let her put makeup on me.

"Fine, anyway how'd it go with Kyle yesterday?" She's says Kyle in this weird dreamy voice that makes me want to slam my head in my locker.

"It was fine."  I say exhausted. "We just grabbed some food and then I drop him off at his house."

"OoOoO, that sounds like a date."

"It wasn't, he doesn't even like me, or even like guys." I exhale.

"Why are you so sleep deprived?"

Why does she keep asking me questions? "I was up all night."

"Ooooh, were you thinking about Kyle."

I roll my eyes "No". Truth is, I was. I couldn't stop thinking about how guilty I felt for liking him. If he found out it could ruin our friendship. We're best friends and I don't know what I would do if I lost that.

The bell rings and I leave Wendy in the hall. I sleep for most of my classes. Until lunch. Kyle sits across from me. "Hey dude" He chimes "Feeling any less tired?"
"A little." I perk up some when Kyle's around.
"Did you ask your parents if you can go to Stark's pond this weekend?" I ask.

He sighs "Yeah, but I gotta bring Ike with us."

"That's okay dude. I'm sure it'll be fine." I try to reassure him. And also my self.

"I guess."

"It'll be fun." I say.

Cartman sits down "What will be fun?"

"Nothing" Kyle and I say in unison.

"Fine! Fuck you guys!" He yells. Not even 5 seconds later, "Guys, please tell me."

Almost as if on cue Ike walks up to Kyle and says "Mom said I have to go with you this weekend up to Stark's pond but I don't want too can you drop me off at my friends house instead."

Kyle mumbles "You gotta be shitting me."

"You guys were going to Stark's pond without me!" Cartman yells

The rest of the table sits down. Avoiding Eric Ike run's back to where the 8th grade sits.

"Um yeah pretty much," I say

"Where you fellas going." Butters asks.

"Stark's fucking pond!" Eric yells

Token is walking past "Oh Cool, You guys going to Stark's pond? My family owns a lake front cabin up there."

Pretty soon the whole senior class and any one else who can drive is talking about going to Stark's pond.

"Shit, dude. You still wanna go up?" Kyle asks

"Yeah, I think it'll be fine." I keep saying that, but will it?


I'm walking down to Last period PE. I see Craig with his arm thrown around Tweek, down the hall so I run to catch up to him. "Hey I have to talk to you." I say.

"Oh hey Kyle, what's up?"

Then I remember Craig wasn't here earlier today in history and neither was Tweek. Why are they both here now? "Wait, where were you guys earlier today? I had to work on the history project by myself."

"Oh yeah, that's right. One second." He stops and rummages Through his messenger bag and pulls 2 papers stapled together. "Here's my half, I finished it at Tweek's house last night." I glance over it. It seems surprisingly well written. "Umm... okay..." I say kind of surprised. "But where were you guys? You haven't been here all day."

"No, we were here." Craig says

I tilt my head and Knit my eyebrows.

"We were in the janitors closet."

"Why were you– never mind I don't wanna know..." my curiosity takes over "The whole day though?"

He laughs "Well no, Tweek thought it was to ironic that we were fucking in a closet so we moved under the bleachers in the gym." Craig has this classic way of saying weird shit that's not normal. Like it's normal.

"I really didn't need to know all that."

He shrugs. "So what were you gonna tell me?"

"Right..." i look over at Tweek and back at Craig. "Um that thing we were talking about yesterday."

"Oh Stan? it's fine Tweek knows."

"Wait what! Why?"

"Cause I told him. Don't act like you don't tell everything to Stan."

He has a point. "Okay fair enough, but don't tell anyone else."

"Relax, no one else is gonna know. So what are you gonna tell me?  Did you guys fuck after I left?" Tweek punches him in the arm. "I was just kidding." Tweek raises an eyebrow, he then he gives me a look as if to say "Go on"

I hesitate and scan the hall to make sure no one's around. "I think... I maybe... do like Stan."

"Uh, yeah I know." Craig says. Tweek nudges him. "Okay, okay, and...so—?"

"And I don't know what to do with that. I don't want to tell him. Should I just ignore it until it goes away?"

"No! Why would you do that?"

"Cause what if he doesn't feel the same way, then it will be weird."

"It's highly unlikely that he doesn't feel the same way."

"How do you mean?"

"It's like kinda impossible for 2 gay guys to be super close and not wanna fuck each other."

Tweek pitches the bridge of his nose and shakes his head. "I think what Craig is trying to say is that you already know Stan is gay all you have to do is tell him you are and see where it goes from there. Wait for him to make the next move."

We arrive at the swim locker room. And I'm kinda left to think about what Tweek said. Even if Stan liked me back,  which I doubt we've been friends for so long I don't know if I could ever date my best friend. And what would everyone think?

After swimming I go to meet Stan at the library. He's sitting at the table with his geometry book out, trying to stand it up like a triangle. I laugh "You know that doesn't count as studying for geometry right?" He looks up like a deer in headlights. Then he gives me this embarrassed smile.

I know that Stan is in a way the root of my stress right now, but at the same time when I'm around him my stress just kinda melts away.

"Come on." I say "let's get started."

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