Coming out

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I've been waiting for Kyle for about 10 mins now. I start to get worried when I see him running up the side of the school.
"Hey dude." he says breathlessly.
"Hey. Why are you soaking wet?" I ask
"I had swimming for gym this week."
"Dude it's fucking freezing outside, you're gonna get frostbite."
"I'll be fine." he says still catching his breath.
We start to walk to my car that's parked a little up the street from the school. Kyle's only wearing jeans and a light jacket that has wet spots where water has soaked through. I can tell he's trying to hide the fact that he's cold but he's clearly shivering.
I take off my jacket and put it around his shoulders. He doesn't argue. He might've even blushed.

Once we get to my house we head up to my room. I offer Kyle a dry pair of clothes. I hand him a pair of sweats, a long sleeved under armor shirt, and an old concert t shirt to put over it
"Thanks dude." he smiles
"Yeah, no problem."
He takes his soaked t shirt off, I avert my eyes.
I've been working on how I'm gonna tell him, you know..., all day. I look back at him. He has the sweat pants and the under armor shirt on. The shirt's very form fitting. I wonder if I gave him that shirt subconsciously.

Kyle has a really nice body he's lean, but fit, kinda like a runner. He slips the t shirt over his rust red hair. His hair is trimmed on the sides, but is longer and a bit wild on top, but the most mesmerizing thing about his appearance is his emerald green eyes.
Oh my god, I have to stop thinking about Kyle like this, I snap my self out of it. And fall back on my bed. I exhale a sigh.
Kyle lies next to me. I hardcore blush, no hiding it, so I turn away from him.
"You okay?" He asks
"Yeah I'm good." I manage to choke out.
"Thanks again for the clothes, and not letting me freeze to death."
"Yeah totally dude" I pause "Didn't you have time to dry off after gym?"
He hesitates "Uh we got held up a little late."
I feel like he's covering his ass. Kyle's a terrible liar, but I let it go.
We sit in silence for a moment. I'm just gonna say it without overthinking it.
I purse my lips "Kyle, I have to tell you something."
He looks over at me, but I stay fixated on the ceiling.
"What's up dude?" He asks a little worried.
"You know how I dated Wendy 3 years ago but we broke up, but I never really said why."
Dammit! why can't I just say it.
"Yeeeah..." he replies confused.
I go silent, still not drifting my gaze from the ceiling.
He props himself up on his side to face towards me. "Dude, what's up, are you okay?"
"... I'm gay" I glance over to meet his chlorophyll eyes. He's quite. He lies back down looking at the ceiling. But I stay fixed on him. The silence goes on for what seems like an eternity.
Fuck, what have I done. Why isn't he saying anything? I'm not usually someone who cries, but my eyes get glassy and a lump forms in my throat. I can't lose Kyle. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have Kyle.
I sit up and look at him "Please say something."
I crattle my face in my hands. I'm trying so hard not to cry. I wish I could leave, but this is my house so that would be weird.
He sits up and looks at me desperately searching for something to say.
I stand up out of my bed facing away from him, and grip my hair. I feel a tear run down my face.
"It– it's okay" Kyle chokes out.
He sounds like he's about to cry. Which is the point where I can't hold it in anymore. I never cry, but the thought of Kyle being hurt, or sad makes me lose it.
I turn around. He's sitting criss cross on my bed facing me with his head down as he's wiping tears off his face.
I'm basically a mess at this point.
"Kyle, why are you crying?"


At this point I didn't even know myself why I was crying. It just sort of... happened? I try to wipe the tears off my face and act like it didn't happen. This is so embarrassing, I never cry, especially not in front of other people."
"I'm okay man, I'm glad you told me." I manage.
His worried look transforms into this wide smile of relief, which I have to admit is good to see. Stan has the best smile, not to be gay or anything... Before I know it, Stan engulfs me in a hug and we are just sitting in silence.
"Thank you." he says, breaking the silence.
"For what?"
"Not being a dickhead." Stan says and then chuckles.
"Yeah dude of course" you know you can tell me anything. I'll always have your back."
"Soo..." he says looking anxious again. "Do you still wanna spend the night, And like sleepover and stuff now that you know?"
"Yes of course, this changes absolutely nothing." I say
He smiles and looks relieved once more.

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