Prologue: Y/n Star Origins

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"Y/n, sweetie. Wake up." A woman was shaking the young girl who resembled her. Seriously, almost twins.

"I'm up, I'm up." The young girl sat up and started rubbing her eyes.

It's been just her and her mom for as long as she could remember. Her father has never been in the picture. Whenever she would ask her mother about him, she just kinda brushes it off and says he was a man from very far away. She never talked badly about him. One thing she knew was that her father's family played a big role in the Golden Age.

"Come on N/n. You promised to babysit James a few homes down." M/n went to pick out Y/n's clothes.

"Ugh." Y/n just groaned, pulling the blanket over her head slamming back onto the bed.

"Now don't be like that. Get dressed and come down for breakfast." She said, walking out. Y/n reluctantly got up and put the clothes on.


Y/n arrived at the Alden residence to which the parents greeted her, thanking her for watching their son on such short notice.

"Thank you sweetie, we know we can always count on you." The women, James's mother, said smiling.

"It's fine Mrs. Alden. Anytime I love watching this little troublemaker." The girl watched James run around her, laughing. His mother just smiles and thanks her again before leaving.

"Okay, James, what do you wanna do?" She leaned down to match his height. The young boy's face lit up.

"Adventure! Adventure! Adventure!" He repeated, jumping up and down. This was something they did a lot, go into the woods and explore.

"Okay bud, let's go." Y/n laughed and got prepared for a trip into the woods. She lead him down a trail they walked pretty often. It was safe, and they always seemed to find or see something new. After many laughs and new discoveries, Y/n felt off, so she called it a day. On their way out, they heard rustling behind them. She turned to see four pairs of eyes staring at them.

"Coyotes." Y/n held onto the boy tighter as they closed in on the two.

Crap. They're supposed to be gone for the winter.

"Y/n are we gonna be okay?" James held onto her and closed his eyes, silently wishing to be home, safe and sound. Though, Y/n's silence didn't ease his worry. Not one bit. She just kept racking her brain, trying to come up with a solution. The sun was close to setting and the darkness would lessen James's chance to get home safely.

"Climb. Climb as high as you can and don't come down until they are gone. When they are, I need you to climb down and run home as fast as you can." She helped him climb up the tree beside them, not taking her eyes off the coyotes.

"What about you?" The boy peaked down at her, clutching a bag full of trinkets and weird plants they found on their adventure.

"Don't worry about me. When you get the chance, run back home, fast." Y/n moved one step back, causing the beasts to change their stances, ready to chase. She finally turned to look at James one last time before taking off deeper into the woods. The sound of James shouting her name could be heard as she ran further and further.

The chase ended when Y/n was stopped by a cliff. She spun around to see all five coyotes surrounding her, which oddly gave her a sense of relief.

Good. They're all here.

None stayed behind to attack James. The girl gradually relaxed as she took small steps back. When the edge of the cliff gave out, she just closed her eyes and waited. Her stomach did backflips, a compliment of her rapid descent towards the ocean below.

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