Stand in Tooth Fairies

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North booms up out of a chimney, dashing along the rooftops.

"Quickly! Quickly!" North booms down another chimney as Bunnymund races ahead a rooftop away.

"Here we go, here we go..."

"Hop to it, rabbit, I'm five teeth ahead!" Jack zips into view, calling out to Bunny.

"Yeah right, look, I'd tell you to stay outta my way, but really what's the point because you won't be able to keep up anyway." Bunny continues on.

"Is that a challenge, cottontail?" Jack tilts his head.

"Oh, you don't wanna race a rabbit, mate."

"Oh, please, if this was a race, I'd be winning." Y/n surfed above on her cloud, bag already full of teeth. She needed this fresh air, excitement, just the thing to take her mind off all the bad. Not to mention her cloud regained its strength, thank the Starlings.

"A race? Is it a race??" Across the rooftops, boom! North bursts up out of a nearby chimney. North jumps into one chimney, then shoots out of another across the way. "This is going to be..." North disappears down yet another chimney, only to emerge with a bang out the top of another. "EPIC!!"

"Didn't know that was in his vocabulary." Jack laughed at Y/n's comment, watching her jump from her cloud onto a rooftop. She turns her cloud to mist, affectively using it to collect all the children's teeth within close range and having Little Star leave them money. Tooth darts in hummingbird overdrive, dazzled by the lights and traffic. Baby Tooth struggles to keep up.

"Four bicuspids over there! An incisor two blocks east! Is that a molar? They're EVERYWHERE!" Tooth, overwhelmed, jets off without paying attention and she smacks into a toothpaste billboard. "Ow!" Y/n immediately flies over to help her friend. Jack, not too far behind, jumps up to the billboard to check on her as well.

"Ah, you okay?" Y/n and Jack offer her a hand.

"Fine, sorry, it's been a really long time since I've been out in the field." Tooth says sheepishly.

"How long is a long time?"

"Ah, four hundred forty years... give or take." Tooth jerks her attention to a little girl's bedroom window, a tiny glow under her pillow marks a freshly planted tooth. Tooth gasps and her eyes go wide, she flies to the window, excited. Jack reacts, looks to Baby Tooth. It's gonna be a long night.

"Still the same as always." Y/n let out a little laugh. Jack admires his best friend for a second before focusing on the task at hand, beating Bunny and North in the race.


Jack arrives outside an open window. His smile suddenly disappears when he sees a rabbit hole open up on the bedroom floor and Bunny hops out. Bunny, now holding the tooth in his paw, turns to Jack and laughs. Jack, not amused, zaps Bunny with a burst of frost from his staff.



The Guardians fly over a Middle Eastern city in North's sleigh as the full moon lights up the night sky.


"Yipa!!" North pulls two teeth, one with each hand, twins.


" Jackpot!" Bunny pulls out his hand from under a pillow, revealing several teeth. He turns to see hockey trophies, poster and paraphernalia everywhere. Bunny grins. "Looks like you're a bit of a brumby, hey, mate."

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