The Last believer

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The Mini Teeth and Starlings twitter as Jack jumps from cage to cage, busting the locks as he goes. Jack opens another cage and notices them standing still..

"Come on, let's go." Jack looks around and notices that all the Minis are still in their cages. "What's wrong?!" The fairies are just standing around, her Starlings aren't forming clouds.

"They can't fly." Y/n feels off. She looks down to see her cloud faltering. She and Jack give each other a knowing look. Baby Tooth directs their attention to the Globe at the base of Pitch's lair. "The lights..."

We're too late.

North Pole

A Yeti carefully sets the last of a group of newly painted red robot dolls on a shelf. He breathes a sigh of relief. Suddenly, the entire factory shakes, knocking the robot doll to the ground. He dives after it, juggles it in the air, and catches it just before it hits the ground.

Suddenly, streaks of black sand whoosh up into and around the factory. The dark sand snakes its way up and around the globe, causing the Yetis and Elves to scatter and knocking toys to the floor.

The Yetis and Elves look up in horror as the black sand, now covering the globe, gives rise to Pitch, who stands before them cackling.

"You're all free to go! We won't be needing any Christmas toys this year, thank you! Nor ever again!" Pitch is feeling as alive as he did in the Dark Ages.

The yeti with the robot dolls sinks his head and sighs in defeat.


"They're all going out..." Jack lands on the ground, now standing before Pitch's globe, and it looks almost completely devoid of light.

"This isn't good." Y/n wraps her arms around herself, dread washing over her. Jack couldn't help but pull her close to comfort not only her, but himself.

What do we do?


Pitch is practically dancing across North's globe. He's so giddy, counting down as the last few lights go dark.

"Only six left! Six precious children who still believe in the Guardians with all their h-" a lights blinks out.

"Make that, five." Another.

"Oh! Four!" Another.

"Three!" Another.

"TWO!" His eyes widen as he snaps his fingers with anticipation and glee. All of his hard work and planning finally paying off! Pitch stares down at the one last light, waiting for it to go out. He snaps his fingers a few more times. Still nothing. His smile fades. His face goes cold as he realizes.



Jack hangs his head low, thinking they'd lost. However, Y/n continues to look at the Globe. The last light wasn't going out.

"Jack, look!" She shakes his shoulder, pointing to the speck.

Jack jumps up onto the globe to closely inspect the last light. The light is brought into full view. Jack smiles.

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