Chapter XIV: A Game of Players

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I softly opened my eyes to the most peaceful night I've had. No one was yelling, or even speaking in the halls. The binds were cracked, lights off, and all we had was the glow of the moon. My head rested on Seamus' bare chest, listening to the gentle sound of his rhythmic breathing. My own breaths were slow and relaxed. I enjoyed the feeling of his chest rising so calmly, and falling just as such.

Seamus wordless brought his hand towards my hair from behind. He tucked a strand behind my ear, further running his finger down my neck. His hand flattened against my skin as he reached my shoulder. He smoothly slid his palm down my side, until it rested on my hipbone.

I still said nothing, because I believe we both were savoring the silence. My leg wrapped around his as I pulled myself as close as possible. Seamus delicately kissed the top of my head, running his hand back and forth a few times on my skin.

"Where did these come from?" I murmured, gently tracing the scars on his chest with my fingertips.

He glanced down, then rested his head back against the pillow. "Few too many fighters." He spoke tenderly, lightly snickering. "I've been doin' this a while."

Seamus kept his voice low and nurturing. It was so soothing, even if we were literally discussing murder. I smiled as I placed my arm around his torso. "Can't win 'em all."

He chuckled, mostly in a reflective fashion. "No, you can't. James and Dex... They were ready to fight to the death for you. I wasn't waiting, or holding my breath or anything. I didn't even know I wanted you until you walked through that door this morning. Why me?"

I sighed, closing my eyes for a moment to catch my stray thoughts. "Peace." I simply replied. "The others are too loud and angry. You, you're quiet, peaceful... Loving. I don't see love in their eyes. Not like I do you."

"I understand. They are my best friends, but... I know what you're talking about." He spoke with a sense of disappointment in his voice. Seamus delicately pushed me off of him and sat up in bed. All he was wearing was his dog tags. The sheet still draped over him, so all I could see was his bareback now facing me as he spoke. "Ashley won't be happy."

"Is she ever?" I asked.

He turned and looked back at me. The silk sheets draped over my bare chest, something his eyes were drawn too. "No, not really." Seamus snickered. He leaned down and kissed me delicately. "I'm going to get some work done. You just sleep, enjoy some time away from everyone. Alright, Beautiful?"

"Okay, Sexy." I giggled like a child because his touch made me that happy.


A scream, accompanied by an eerie feeling of trouble shattered my still sleep. Both I should be aloof to, but tonight, they seem unsettling. I looked towards the window, seeing the shades now raised. A mysterious moon shined through ghostly clouds. The wind pulled at those clouds that hung against the moon like a lampshade on a lightbulb.

I stepped out of bed, walking towards the bathroom. It was small, just enough for one person; A sink, storage under it, a medicine cabinet, toilet, and shower. The once white tile had a dirty film on it, some pieces chipped or completely missing. I brought my eyes to a cracked mirror and shivered as I looked into my own reflection. Not because it was cold, but because everything else was. Something in the air tonight made me feel uneasy.

After splashing some cold water on my face and watching the water drain down a bloodstained sink, I gathered my closed to throw them back on. It was about midnight, around the time I begin working anyways. I was careful to leave one light on, as I don't know what dwells in his quarters when no one is around. Then I slipped out the door, carefully closing.

My back arched with a jump as I heard another scream. The way it rolled, the vibrations it made, were all unsettling. On top of it, I felt I wasn't alone. That, however, just meant I was at home.

"Jumpy?" A voice suddenly startled me. It wasn't just the abrupt noise in an otherwise silence area, but it was who's voice it was. I turned around, unable to muster my usual spite as I stared into Dex's guilty eyes.

"You aren't supposed to be alone." I breathily responded.

A sigh emerged from the darkness behind him. "He's not." Kevin said, letting some of the light dawn along his washed-out skin.

"Neither of you are supposed to be alone, even if that means together." I responded strongly, almost feeling like their mother.

"Kootra seemed to have noooo problem whatsoever with it." Dex proudly boasted, taking a step closer. "Just as he has no problem with me claiming what's mine."

"Well you won't find it here." Seamus' voice spoke from down the hall.

Our heads turned to see he had just stepped out of his lab and was now approaching us. As the light hit is face, I could see a fresh scratch running right under his cheekbone. Blood painted one side of his neck, running under and on his shirt. Somebody had a fun night without me! He stopped walking once his feet brought himself beside me. I giggled out of bliss when he grabbed me by the waist, kissing my temple.

"Sorry, Dex." He smirked. "Slayer, I could use your help with something."

"Sure, I'll be there in a minute." I told him.

Seamus pulled his hand away from my waist and began walking back towards his work area. I started to follow, when Dex had to interject his word in, as always. "One way or another, I'll get a piece of her. A woman like that... She'd make a deadman cum." He said.

I groaned as I had had enough of his immature ways. He talked to women as if they were trash, and fed them lines straight out of the date-rape manual. Enough is a fucking 'nough! I turned around and decked him across his pretty boy mouth. Though I know he's felt a lot harder, it was the anger and reasoning behind it that truly caused him to feel lesser.

"I don't care if you're the last person on this fuckin' planet, I wouldn't touch your disease-ridden dick with a ten foot pole. So, fucker, you can just drop dead 'cause you ain't gettin' some." I sneered.

Seamus' laugh echoed from further down the hall. Kevin was ready for a hysterical break out himself, but fought it behind a suppressing smile. However, when it came to Dex? I wish I had a camera for the look of utter shock, frustration, and anger boiling inside his confused mind. With all my distaste for his unmannered ass, I spit in his eye and walked away. Yeah, these boots were meant for walking; walking away from players, and into the arms of lovers.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2014 ⏰

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