Chapter VI: Long Awaited Nightmares

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As I walked through the halls, I heard the oh so familiar sound of a young girl screaming. Suppose Seamus decided he didn't want this one, which is surprising. He and Ash have been a little on the rocks lately. Then again, I guess it could be her screaming.

It stopped pretty quickly, as he isn't one that likes the pig to squeal. I've learned these boys habits well.

After Sly's run in with Nova, he promised to toughen me up. If he didn't, I probably would have a life anymore. More so, my Slayer nickname means something for once.

Now, I'm a leader, not a follower. The other girls could never say the same. Dominika, Ali, Ash, all of them are fairly weak, just pale comparisons of their men. That's mostly because their dominant halves wanted to keep them insignificant.

Sly, he's different. He wasn't going to let any of them hurt me, not like they did to Natalie. I've become just as quick and tough as him, if not tougher.

I walked into Sly's operating room, seeing him leaned over the table, working on something. He giggled as I snuck up behind him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"There's my favorite cannibal." He grinned, displaying those sharp, beautiful blood drenched teeth. "I just made your favorite; fresh heart."

"I wish I could stay, but I promised Kevin dinner in the graveyard." I replied, laying my head on his shoulder.

Sly pulled a piece of meat off his fork, then looked at me curiously. "You're taking Kevin to the graveyard?"

"Yeah, it'll be interesting!" I laughed as I let go of him. "Dinner and a show!"

He giggled, stealing a quick kiss. "Alright, have fun. I guess I'll have to find someone else to wine and dine tonight."

"I'm sure you'll find someone!" I called over my shoulder as I walked to the door. "I love you."

"Love you!" He smiled.


Though it may have been amusing to me, Kevin was getting quiet annoyed by the voices in his head. Those ghosts will never stop haunting him, no matter where he runs. It's a shame, because he is a good man under all that crazy.

I suggested we head back to his room at the penitentiary, and he happily agreed. As we walked into the building, I felt a weird vibe wash over me. My stomach twisted... Something is wrong.

Perhaps I'm just a little out of it. I didn't eat much tonight, so it could be throwing me off. It's alright, Annabelle. I'm sure it's nothing.

We were just about to Kevin's room when we both heard angered screams and, what I can best describe as, roars of war.

Aleks and Dex stepped out of their cells, looking at us, then down the hall in the direction of the noise. We all wearily ran down there, entering the main cellblock.

Kootra and Ze stood on the other side, both just as petrified as us as Sly and Nova were at it again. Last time they both got close to killing each other, and they promised if it ever happened again, it would go to the death. Of course, I won't let that happen.

I swiped my dagger from my leg, ready to jump into action, when Kevin stopped me.

"Let the big guns handle this one." He murmured.

I growled under my breath as I rolled back my shoulders. Dex ran up behind Sly, yanking him off of Nova and getting between the two. They acted as if he wasn't even there and lunged at each other again.

Kootra sighed, trying to get a clear shot with the tranqu gun. Even after he locked on and shot Nova, it did no good because that beast has become immune to a simple dart.

"Keep them busy while I get something stronger." He instructed, running back towards the main office.

"Now can I?" I asked Kevin.

He huffed, then nodded. I ran up to Nova when he was off guard and sliced his back. He cried out, losing his strength for a moment and falling over.

Just when I thought this was over, Sly turned to me with more fear than I've ever seen on his face. "Slayer, move!" He yelled.

I didn't listen in time. Nova's adrenaline kicked in, narrowing his cold eyes. He grabbed my leg and yanked me on the ground, no doubt breaking my hip. Then he stole my own dagger from my hand and plunged it into the side of my leg. I screamed out from the unexpected pain as tears welled up in my eyes.

It all happened so quick, that neither Sly nor I had time to react. As he quickly knelt down to help me, Nova got a cheap shot in and hit Sly's back. Wait... Fuck, he didn't hit his back.

No no no, let this be a bad dream. Nova did not just stab Sly... Did he? Sly froze with no breath left in him. He and I both looked down at the blood soaking his shirt. It began to pour out his nose as he weakly grabbed me.

"I love you." He breathed out.

I began sobbing as he fell into my lap. "I love you too, but hey, hey stay with me. Stay with me... Stay with me. I need you."

The sound of Nova dropping my dagger on the floor echoed throughout the cellblock as the only other noise was my crying. I tightly grasped Sly's shirt with my fists as I balled over his body.

His heartbeat was gone. No, this is just a bad dream! This has to be a nightmare! But no, this was real. That son of a bitch finally killed one of us.

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