Chapter X: Ghosts

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My "office" was cold as usually, so cold you could see your breath. It's the way I like it; cold, quiet, dark. Hm, kind of like me.

As I leaned over the silver operation table, I took a moment to listen to the silence. It was numb, unlike the quiet I'm used to. There's no other heartbeat, no soft breathing, no warm hands to wrap around my waist, kiss me and tell me I'm just going crazy again. That's just a dream now.

I quickly turned around, butcher knife in hand, when I heard the sound of steps on the metallic floor panels. My blade came an inch away from Aleks' neck, as he stood there looking at me senselessly. I groaned, throwing the knife back on the table.

He always sneaks up on me like that! At least, the few times he crawls out of his hiding hole. Aleks is like a ghost. You know he exists because you see the writing on the wall (literally), but you never see him. If you do, you should count yourself lucky.

The light shined across his one white eye. His other eye was brown, but it was so dark, it might as well be black. He's got pale skin and a long scar across his collar bone. Seems like you have to have some scar with a long back story to belong here.

"Hm, this is a treat." I snit, setting my hands on the table behind me.

"I decided to take my meds today. That was a mistake." He sighed. "But I want to know what you're deciding on."

I rolled my eyes. "Not you too. I'm sick of hearing about this."

Aleks scoffed. "You kind of have to deal with it, now."

"I don't understand why I need a man in the first place." I replied.

"Because women are reckless." Kootra spoke from the doorway. "Men can be too, in their own rights. A man needs you just as much as you need him, and that's why you're going with Dex."

"No way! I was told I get a choice and damn it, I better!" I snapped.

He narrowed his eyes at me. "Aleks, you should be back in the penitentiary. Slayer and I need to speak privately anyways."

Aleks looked shocked at his comment, but he didn't open his mouth. He just sighed, shot me a sympathetic glance, they walked out.

Kootra sauntered over to me, staring me down. Oh, he just loves to act so tough. If only he knew, he's the biggest joke of the whole place.

"I'm not going with Dex. He's a mad man! Nova's right, he'd kill me in a week." I told him.

"Fine, then you can go with Nova." He retaliated. "Lord knows he needs more than one woman to hold him down."

"I'm not going with the love of my life's killer either!" I yelled, extremely angry he'd even think that.

"Well who exactly do you have left?!" Kootra viciously replied. Then he relaxed his shoulders, glaring at me in disbelief when he saw the look in my eyes. "You've already made up your mind, haven't you?"

I looked away, running my hand through my hair. My eyes were a little moist, but I wasn't going to cry. I was just upset and angered at where this road has lead us. Kootra grabbed my arm to force me to look at him.

He gritted his teeth as he repeated, "Haven't you?"

I yanked my arm away from him. "Seamus." I muttered.

"What?" He gasped.

"You heard me! Seamus is the best choice, you know it! He was Sly's best friend after all, that's what Sly would have wanted!" I spoke, tears suddenly finding their way to my eyes. "It's like he never existed. None of you care he's dead! None of you except Seamus. He's the only one that will stay up with me at night when I can't sleep, and he's the only one that will actually hold me in his arms, and promise me that there will be light at the end of this fucking horrid tunnel."

Kootra shot me a look of disgust as he turned for the door. "It's your funeral."

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