Chapter XIII: Down Your Poison

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6AM. No sleep, just a new horizon and another cup of tea. Seamus refused to sleep when I was restless, so I left in the promise I was going to bed. Of course, my feet only wondered the halls until the sun broke through iron bar windows.

The virgin sun blanketed the island as I drank from a fresh hot cup of camomile. It only relaxes you to a certain extent. When I lead a normal life, struggling between boys and homework, camomile could knock me out with a few drinks. Apparently it doesn't steady the mind of a psychopathic murderer stuck in a love rut.

I pressed my back against the dirty wall, but the way the paint crumbled against me wasn't as unsettlingly as it used to me. Maybe an annoyance that could be treated, nothing more. Across from me was an open door that lead to an old patient room. In that room, a mirror was directly in front of me. It was dirty, yet clean enough for me to see I looked like shit.

My hair was a little out of sorts, but you wouldn't notice because I wear it messy these days. The black in my eyes had grown and deepened to the point they looked like inkwells, and the sleeplessness had caught up with me in the style of two circles around my eyes. Knee-high black suede wedge boots covered most my legs, except a small potion of my upper thighs where many scratches were visible. Going up from that, a dagger was attacked to my leg, and I was wearing a pleated black skirt accompanied with several silver belts. A black corset kept my breasts pushed up, but at this point, my silk red cloak began to cover my chest. Though I looked like the devil, I felt like an innocent girl running scared of a clown.

Love has never been a familiar word to me. That was, until I came here. Funny, right? I had to go to the mad house, to feel compassion? Just another twisted aspect of my life. Maybe one of these days I'll become so twisted, I'll finally be forced to unwind to a straight, sane woman. It doesn't work that way, unfortunately.

"Time's running out." Kootra spoke, suddenly startling me.

I grasped my chest as I swallowed down a trapped breath. My heart tapped against my chest from the jump. It wasn't fear, just a simple scare. There is a difference, you know.

"I've made my choice. The question is, if he'll accept me." I responded as I started walking away. Right now, I was NOT in the mood for his bullshit. Then again, am I ever?

"Why would you wait for him to make up his mind when James and Dexter are practically fighting over you?" He asked, following me. "You're being greedy, Slayer."

"I'm being cautious!" I snapped, keeping it under my breath because we were close to Seamus' room. He shouldn't hear this conversation, but I shouldn't have to have it! "I don't tell you how to live your life or run your business. Don't tell me how to."

"You are my business!" He sneered.

"I'm not an investment, so you have nothing to lose!" I expressed with darting eyes.

He huffed as he clenched his fist in the air. "Yes, you were, Slayer. You were an investment, the most expensive I've ever made. I won't let you screw that up!"

"What?" I gasped. "What do you mean I was an investment?!"

"I knew all that you were, what you're going to be. Your father didn't dump you, he sold you. I guess you had to find out sometime."

My blood heated to hear those words. I'm not sure who to be mad at; my father, or Kootra. Either way, Koots is the only one I have left to take it out on. I turned around to face him, and time slowed down. My cape settled against the air in the stale space as I felt my teeth clench, and my hand threw my tea cup at him.

He defensively rose his arms over his face as the scolding hot tea hit him. The china crashed into the floor, shattering against the hard silence. Before his mouth had time to yell, I returned to my path and bolted into Seamus' room.

The door fell shut behind me as time caught up. A fog lifted from my eyes and mind so I could finally be consumed by my surroundings. Kootra cursed my name outside the door, however I couldn't care less. The shades of Seamus' room were drawn shut, but he was awake. He glanced up from the page his eyes were reading, only to completely drop the book when he saw me.

My heart was racing once more. It may have been riding off of adrenaline, but this was a much different chase. The blood that flowed through my veins was ready for love, passion. It desired the poison of bliss, which was a craving I hadn't felt since Sly's death. Now, here, I feel it as I look into his eyes.

"I need you to make up my mind." I said through a somewhat frantic tone.

"What?" He curiously asked. Seamus stood from his chair, approaching me, but he kept a few feet's distance.

"Make up my mind for me." I repeated. "Are you going to take me in, or can I just grab a gun now? Because I'd rather die than put up with Nova or Dex."

Seamus looked straight in my eyes like I had lost it. That ship, the ship of my sanity, had sailed a long time ago. He knew I was crazy, but he was just as twisted. After his hesitation faded, he closed the space between us until we were basically sharing the same air.

Using his hand, he gently tipped my head up to look at him. "Hold your fire." He whispered. Then, I felt his lips on mine.

The fireworks exploded in my stomach before I even knew they were lit. My body tingled as he tangled one hand into my hair. His other arm wrapped around my back and forced me against his chest. I threw my arm around the back of his neck as we kissed feverishly.

We kept a rhythm so smooth we both pulled back at the same time. It was almost as if we were actors in a play, but our life is even more dramatic than Broadway. He and I panted in efforts to catch our breath as we rested our foreheads against each other's.

"Please tell me that was just a preview." I smiled.

"Why?" He asked playfully.

I snickered. "Because I haven't had sex in two months and my body's burnin', Baby."

He laughed as he pulled me towards the bed. "We'll make it official, then."

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