Chapter IX: 3A.M.

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The familiar red sky lingered over me as I walked along the bridge that connected the island to the rest of the world. My senses were tingling and I could just feel someone near.

Ah, I was right. A young girl hitchhiking along the highland on the mainland. She was about nineteen, torn fishnets, caring a pair of heels in her hand.

I approached her, seeing hope lingering in her eyes as soon as she saw me.

"Please tell me I'm close to a town?" She asked.

"Yes, but you won't be able to walk there tonight. My home is just over the bridge. Let me take you in?" I offered as I fought a devilish smile.

Her eyes lit up. "Thank you so much!"

"Of course." I spoke. "Follow me."

We began to walk back over the bridge. I'd murder her the second I saw her to secure the kill, but I didn't want to carry her body all the way back.

When we were close to the island, she began to look scared. "This is where you live?" She cowered, to which I nodded. "I-I've heard of th-this place. Y-you're-you're all crazy here."

I grunted as she began running. Foolish girl, I'm faster than a fox. Though, she did leave me a little irritated because I had to chase her. I jumped on her back, stabbing a dagger in her shoulder.

The girl screamed out in pain. I wasn't ready to kill her yet, so I carried her wounded and thrashing body back to the medical wing.

Damn bitch won't calm down! She kept crying and screaming. No one will hear her that would help her, but let her blow her lungs.

I chained her wrists and ankles to the operation table. She continued fighting and causing noise.

"Shut up, you stupid bitch." I muttered. When she wouldn't listen, I slapped her hard. "I said shut the fuck up!"

She starred at me in fear with tears streaming down her face. "Are you going to kill me?"

I scoffed. "Why else would I bring you here? I would have done it quickly if you hadn't ran like that."

"Oh God." She whimpered.

I rolled my eyes, pulling over my equipment. The door swung open, making a creaking noise as Seamus walked in.

"Thought I heard a fresh cut come in." He grinned. "Whiny one, isn't she?"

"Yeah, she won't shut the fuck up! Do you want to join me? Get this over with quicker? I'm tired, and read to just be done." I responded.

"Sure." Seamus said, pulling up a chair. "What'd she do to you to make you gut her alive?"

"She ran." I bitterly replied.

He sighed, reaching back to a cabinet behind him and pulling out a vile. I handed him a shot needle, knowing what he was doing.

"I know you're mad that Sly left you, but you can't take your anger out on other people." He told me as he filled up the needle with the contents of the vile. Then he turned towards the girl. "What's your name?"

"Z-Zoey." She stammered.

"Alright, Zoey. This is going to end all your pain. Just remember, even though we won't go to Heaven, you will." He whispered.

The last thing she said was, "God is all forgiving."

It's hard to believe that sometimes. She was asleep now, thanks to the heavy sedative Seamus gave her. We had to work fast, while she was still warm.

"I will never understand why you and Sly always were so sweet and caring to your victims. You're killing them anyways." I muttered.

He sighed. "We're the last thing they'll ever see. We don't want them to die in the hands of a complete monster."

"Hm, wish I got that courtesy." I snit.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked, reaching for a scapulae.

"Nova and Dex are fighting over me. They said I have to have a master, and I have to choose between them."

"You do have to have a keeper," He said. "But it doesn't have to be them. It could be any one of us."

"Wait, so it could be any of you guys?" I asked.

"That's what I just said." He laughed, leaning back in his chair.

Well shit. I'm not sure if this just got easier, or harder.

Thanks for all your feedback last chapter! Okay, don't mean to get repetitive, but I'll ask again; Who do you guys think she should go with?

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