Chapter VII: Withdrawals

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I sat on the cold floor, staring up at the cracked ceiling. Happiness was never apart of my life, but depression wasn't either. At least, not until now.

One little bitter pill helps me sleep at night, but nothing will end the nightmares. Nothing.

A slight knock sounded from the door. I didn't move, and he knew I wouldn't. Seamus knelt down next to me, sighing as he gave me a blank and broken look.

I took a hard swallow, closing my eyes as I messily ran my hand over my hair and face. "Get rid of this pain." I whimpered.

"There's nothing I can do." He responded.

"Don't give me that shit." I hissed through clenched teeth as I grabbed his arm. "We both know you got something."

Seamus shook his head, looking at me with disappointment, almost disgust. "You take Nova's supply and he'll kill both of us."

I dug my nails into him as I pulled myself up. We were inches away from each other, where I could smell the blood on him. I was just as dirty and I'm sure my breath wreaked of whiskey.

"Give me something, anything." I begged him.

He grabbed my free hand, tightly squeezing it. "Annabelle, listen to me. You've got to snap out of it."

I felt tears well up in my blurry and shaky eyes. "It's just not that easy, a-and if you don't want to give me a fix, I'll find someone who will."

"Yeah, who?" He asked. "You can't leave the island."

"I don't have to. Without Sly, I'm free to fuck around. I've done so many shitty things in my life. What's sex for drugs look like next to shit like murder? God can't redeem me anymore, Seamus. It doesn't matter. Nothing fuckin' matters."

"You've lost it." He snit.

"I do live in the looney bin, after all." I scoffed. "We're all mad here."

"Sanity or not, you've still got a bad leg. I need to take a look it, whether you want me to or not."

I sighed, laying back down in defeat as he examined my barely healed wound. It's only been three days since Sly's death. We buried him last night, in the pouring rain.

Never before have I felt so torn apart. Life is broken to me now. I can see what Nova and Dex see... It doesn't matter. In the end, nothing we do matters because we're all going to die. We'll go on up to our maker, and he'll send us on down to the red inferno of Hell.

Red; yeah, that's a color I seem to see around here a lot. Just like the walls of Hell, my hands tend to get painted with red blood constantly. Like I said, it doesn't matter. We were all doomed from the start.

"You're looking a lot better than you were a few days ago." Seamus spoke as he stood up. "I'm going to get Kevin to watch you. I just think it's safest if you don't leave your room."

I closed my eyes, laying my intertwined hands over my stomach as I was forced to swallow most my anger. "I'm not a child, Seamus. Don't treat me like one."

"Don't act like one." He retorted as he walked out the room.


A few minutes later, my door creaked open. I didn't move, because I knew it was Kevin.

"I'm sorry Seamus is making me do this." He grumpily muttered.

"Hm, at least he could have sent someone more interesting." I snit under my breath.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked as he sat down on my loveseat.

"All you do is talk to yourself. At least Dex or Nova would fuck me or something."

Kevin huffed. "Yeah, well, I'm not Dex or Nova."

I sat up, looking at him devilishly. He kept a stone cold expression as he sat there, one leg propped over the other. His hand rested on his knee as he fiddled with a necklace in his hand. I crawled up to him, kneeling in front of him as I ran my hand up him leg.

"You always could be, if you wanted to." I taunted.

He powerfully grabbed my hand, moving it off of him. "I am not them, and I never will be, so get any of your fucked up thoughts out of your head. Your spouse just died, and you're already trying to move on. That's fucked up."

I rolled my eyes, moving away from him. "Of course I miss him, but I can't undo what happened."

"That doesn't mean you shouldn't take time to mourn. No sex, no drugs. Just, sleep away the pain."

I sighed. "That's a little hard to do when someone's watching you."

"People are always watching me, and I sleep like a baby." He said.

I shot him a dirty look, then got up and crawled into my bed. My sheets still smell like him... I don't think I'll ever forget Sly.

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