Alpha Origin

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The last one had a roundish body with a metallic frame, there was also black in there and arms that were almost flipper like.

What they all had in common were the dots that were on their faces, they were all patterned different. They were none other than the titan trio.

The first was Regirock, the True Golem God of Rock. Second was Regice, the True Golem God of Ice, and finally was Registeel, the True Golem God of Steel.

 Second was Regice, the True Golem God of Ice, and finally was Registeel, the True Golem God of Steel

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"Regirock, Regice, and Registeel..." Dialga muttered. The trio stopped as they now stood in front of the dragons. "It's good to see you guys again."

"It's been a while, Dialga, Palkia, and Lord Arceus." Regirock stated. He bowed to them as they did so in return along with the other two regis.

"We were told everything by Arceus, this is quite the predicament we're in." Regice added.

"We came as fast as we could, we heard of how our other comrades are being controlled, we can't just let that stay like it is..." Registeel stated firmly.

"Thanks you guys, we're glad to have you here. But, aren't you busy with guarding Regigigas?" Palkia asked. They nodded at this.

"That is true, but he had given us permission to assist you, he knew that the situation was dire and needed immediate attention." Registeel explained.

"Wow, that's nice of him. We should give him a visit some time, haven't seen him in who knows how long, longer than we've been asleep, that's for sure." Dialga voiced.

"He's been wanting to see you again, staying in those ruins is getting boring for him." Regice chuckled. They did so as well.

"But that can wait, I believe that we have important matters on our hands." Regirock interrupted.

"Yes, now please listen." Arceus's voice got their attention. They turned towards him and listened. "To show that you all are a part of the Alpha Origin guild, you'll need this mark."

Arceus held his front leg up as it glowed before sending a small wave of energy throughout the area. The other legendaries then noticed a strange marks appearing on their bodies.

"What is this?" Palkia asked. They were all looking at the strange symbol that had appeared on them.

The titan trio had their marks places on their shoulders while Palkia had his on his chest, Dialga's was seen on the right side of his long neck.

"Those are the guild marks, they show that you're a part of Alpha Origin. You'll need those to show that you're actual participants and not some outsiders."

"With that out of the way, I need you to go back to Earthland and purge that energy from our friends and atop the gathering of power towards our enemy

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"With that out of the way, I need you to go back to Earthland and purge that energy from our friends and atop the gathering of power towards our enemy." Arceus ordered. They all nodded strongly at this.

"Alright, guys! Let's do this!" Palkia yelled. The four others cheered as Palkia created a portal as they all ran through, Arceus watching as it closed.

"Good luck, my children. The battle won't be easily won..."

The True Gods (Highschool DxD Fanfic and Multiverse Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt