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Luke hugs me tighter and walks me to the backyard.

"Lets go up and talk," he lets me up the ladder first. I quickly make my way up and he's up not too long after me. I stand in my jean shorts and tank top with a sweater on over.

"I cant lose you just because you don't wanna hurt me. Let me in, please?"

"I-I," I can't bring myself to say it, but I have to. "L-Luke, I cant do this..."

He hugs me tighter, "its okay. I'll be here every step of the way," I smile. Maybe I can let him in.

We started cuddling on the mattress. I fell asleep in his warmth entangled in his body. Our legs weaving a pattern and my head on his chest with his arms around me.

I wake when my mom wakes me.

"What the hell are you two doing?"

"Mom, we were talking really late last night and I got cold so he cuddled me."

"You don't need to be trying to ruin my relationship by being with Jeff's son!"

"Relax I don't wanna be with Luke," I hope he's not awake but I turn to notice he's been standing by my mom this whole time. He quickly leaves the tree house in tears, "Luke I-I didn't mean it!" I scream from the treehouse. I know I've just fucked up the best thing in my life. All I can do is practice for the competition tomorrow.

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