Chapter 19

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(Y/N)'s POV:

"We need to talk." What is he doing here...? "You answer my questions properly, and I'll spare your life." WHAT?! How is that talking?! "T-That's not talking Sasuke... that's interrogating!" He scoffs and gets closer. The light of the moon now shining on him, man... do all Uchiha genes have this much beauty? I mean... since I'm an Uchiha, it's a given haha.

"Last time we met, you activated the Sharingan. Correct?" Oh, so it's about that. "Yes, the thing is I-" He puts his hand on his Katana and opens it a bit. I guess that's his way of shutting me up. "I ask the questions, yes and no answers are your options. If I want you to explain, I will tell you." Ok... that's one way to do things. We aren't talking very loudly, so we don't wake Naruto up, he's a heavy sleeper though... I doubt we will.

"Do you still have it?" I let out a sigh; this isn't how I want to have a conversation with a possible relative. "Yes." His hand on his Katana tightens. "You got it checked, and the village decided to keep it?" You want them to scoop out my eyes?! "Yes..." it's hard keeping my comments to myself. "Did you steal and implant them?" Huh?! Of course not! "No!" I send him a glare this time as I look at him. "I would never do such a thing! That's just-" He opens his Katana slightly again. "I said only yes or no answers." I come to talk back, he pulls his Katana out and points it at me, almost touching me right between my eyes. "Show me!" N-Now?! "What?" He moves his Katana down to my neck. "I said, show me your Sharingan!" He needs to calm down! Naruto wake up and control your best friend! "Ok, ok! I'll try." He did show a confused face, well to an Uchiha who had his training since he was a kid, it might have been easy! But I didn't get my time!

After a few minutes and a couple of tries. I was finally able to activate it. He looked very shocked to see it, from what I know, Sasuke and Itachi are the only Uchiha we know of their whereabouts. So I guess he's shocked to find another one. "I'm still not very good at activating it and deactivating it... I carry glasses with me to hide my eyes if they ever activate out of nowhere, Tsunade- Ah I mean the Hokage still hasn't come up with a plan on how to let the village or I guess the world know that I have the famous Uchiha Sharingan." When I'm done, I realize that I wasn't supposed to talk. I put my hands up in surrender and show him a guilty smile. "Oops haha, no talking! S-Sorry." He smirks and mumbles, "of course, they don't know what to say or how." What does that mean? He looks at me again with that scowl. "So, you're an official Uchiha?" What else? "Yes, hehe! We could be cousins!" I put on a smile, I mean to me this is good news and a happy thing, but... he didn't seem to share the same feeling. His scowl got darker... he didn't have to show his disgust that much...

"Did they tell you about the Uchiha clan? Your supposed family?" Why does he have to say it that way? "First of all, I AM an Uchiha! The clan IS my family! Second of all... they did, and didn't." He didn't like that answer... and not just cause I gave him attitude. "What the hell is that suppose to mean? They either did or didn't!" Ya! Cause life is that easy! "They told me some things and some were left unknown. They explained things like some of my Jutsus actually come from the Uchiha, like the Fireball Jutsu. Of course the Sharingan and its powers. They told me a bit about our history. Oh, of course, I know that the Uchiha clan is from Konoha, they used to live there and had their own area! I found that to be pretty cool! Although I don't know where they are now..." I shared my knowledge with Sasuke; his expression changed on the last part, though. I swear you can tell two emotions from this Uchiha... anger and confusion.

"They didn't tell you where they are now?" That's what I just said... "Nope, I asked a couple of times, I wanted to meet some people I can finally call family, but they told me they weren't in the village anymore and they don't know where they went." He scoffed, and there was a moment of silence between us. Maybe he knows about them? Can I ask him? "That's all you know? So it's true that you don't have memories of your childhood?" How does he know that? His Katana is finally away from me. "It is true I don't have memories of my childhood before I was nine. But I was told a few stories of when I was in the village." That piqued his interest.

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