Chapter 14

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(Y/N)'s POV:

Naruto has been acting weird for the past couple of days. Ever since we went out to dinner that one night and I told him about the memories between Kakashi and me. When I say weird, I mean stranger than usual! He doesn't look me in the eye; he always rushes when he talks to me, he stutters a lot!! Sometimes, I've even caught him run away from me... I don't know what is wrong with him.

I've asked Sakura if he has told her anything, but she says Naruto acts normal with her. I got the same answers from Sai and Kakashi! So the only who is being treated differently is me... why? Did I do something? We hung out a lot in between those days, so remembering what I could have done is a bit hard.

The day after our dinner, Naruto decided to go around the village with the intention of triggering a memory. I've already seen the village before, so if a trigger were going to happen, it would have. But of course, I wasn't going to refuse a date from Naruto himself!

Ok, so only I think of it as a date! So what?! It still counts to me! Hmph!

Day by day, Naruto's behavior started to change. By the third day, he was running away from me and all the other awkward things he's doing. I tried asking him about it, but he kept saying nothing is wrong. He even said I'm the one who's acting weird! I mean I did turn on the heat; meaning I'm flirting with him from time to time hehe, but it's not strange!

He's acting similar to the way I acted when I discovered my feelings for him; I just didn't run away. I don't get what-... no way... don't tell me... could Naruto have discovered his feelings for me?

HAHAHAHAHA! That was funny! Man! As if Naruto would like me! He's head over heels for HER, and I'm just his buddy! What could be better than that! Well... I could think of a few better things than being a buddy.

Like having Naruto look at me with lovestruck eyes, or having him call me pretty, even prettier than Sakura and Hinata and any girl in the village!! Screaming his love for me from the Hokage heads! Holding my hand when we walk together... oooh a hug would be nice too!! A tight warm hug! But I think the best thing would be... if he just grabs me from the waist and plants those thin, plum, sexy lips of his onto mine. Oooooh man!! I think I would melt if he ever did that! I bet he would take charge and make sure his message was received. He would try to be gentle but lose control after a few seconds and just directly go deep and hard... a hot kiss like that... is definitely better than being his buddy!

"(Y/N)!" I snap out of my eighteen plus fantasies and look straight at the Hokage. "Where did your daydream take you?" Haha, I won't embarrass myself this time! I firmly close my mouth with my palm knowing I can blab out almost anything. The last thing I need is for everyone to know my dreams of kissing Naruto! Remembering it, made my face the color of a tomato... so much for trying to hide it!

"Anyway, guys! I have a mission for you." Yes! Let's go! "I need you to go towards Sunagakure. They have asked for our help, but they want us to keep an eye out for anything suspicious, or even the Akatsuki." Those guys again... "Great! I get to see Gaara! Let's go!" Who's this Gaara that Naruto is excited to see? "Make sure you keep me posted with reports on what you encounter and your next steps!" We accept our mission and get on our way.

Once we step out of the village, Kakashi walks slowly beside me and whispers to me, "next time you want to daydream about Naruto, make sure you're not looking right at him! You weren't kidding when you said you liked him!" Oh no... oh God! "S-Stop it, Kakashi-Sensei!" He pokes me with his elbow and whispers again, "you know, I can help you if you just ask, Naruto is pretty simple to get to. We can try to get him jealous?" He did NOT just say that! Ever since the misunderstanding I had about him liking me... he has been teasing me about it whenever he can! "Aaaah! Just don't do anything, Kakashi-Sensei!!" I speed walk ahead of everyone, so no one will be able to see my embarrassed faced.

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