Chapter 18

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Naruto's POV:

There! That should do it! I mean that could have only one meaning right...? I-I'm not the type of person to do that to anyone!! (Y/N) should know that right?! I pull away from her but keep my hands on her face. When I focused on her face and saw her reaction... it hit me what I just did!

Her face was shocked! It took a few seconds for her to realize what just happened, and when she did, her face got so red... even her ears turned red!! I've got to say... she looks cute in that expression haha. "Y-You..." Oh man... she's speaking. "You just... k-kissed me?" Are you saying it or asking it? Time to fess up... I should have thought this through! Maybe she didn't like me kissing her! "Ah. Y-Ya I did... sorry, it's just that-" she interrupts me and takes a step forward, after the kiss I somehow got her to stand in front of me while my back faced the railing. The full moon above us shining down made her (H/C) hair shine and highlight her face, which was beautiful... and the light over her (E/C) eyes made them stand out and defined them, I felt lost in them. How did I not realize all this before?

"Why?" Huh? Being in the trance I was in, I didn't get enough time to reply. "Why did you kiss me Naruto?" She takes another step forward towards me, which makes me take a step back and hit the railing behind me. A single push can send me to my death... "b-because... you see haha. The thing is..." the way her eyes are staring at me with shock and anticipation is making me trail off in my sentences. She takes another step forward. THERE IS NOWHERE ELSE TO GO (Y/N)!! There is seriously nowhere else to go, my back is stuck to the railing and she took the last step and erased all space between us. Her face is inches away from mine! "Why Naruto? Do you kiss anyone?" HUH?! NO!!

"WHAT?! Of course not!!" I grab her from her shoulders and look at her with all seriousness. "Then... this was your first kiss?" Oh man... how am I suppose to answer that? "N-No... it's not but-" she interrupts me with a different question that I didn't see coming. "Was it Sakura?" When she asked that question I felt her shoulders drop a bit...

Now I realize the reason behind her sad expression in the restaurant in the small village... and the reason for her anger... I should not have yelled what I did. If she had done that to me, I think I would have fled from the restaurant! But she faced me and even put on a smile, that's how much she treasured our friendship. "I didn't kiss Sakura. Never!" I say confidently to assure her, and just like I assumed, her shoulders were back up and her eyes hyper again. "W-Was it the princess...?" Why are her shoulders dropping again?? Why does she care who my first kiss is?! WHAT PRINCESS?! She sees my confusion and clarifies. "Hyūga... Hinata Hyūga... c-could it have been her?" Why would I kiss Hinata? I mean she's nice and all but we're just friends. "Of course not! Neji would kill me! I have no reason to kiss her!!" There we go... her shoulders and eyes are back... Hehe, I think she's jealous of these two! "If this was not your first k-kiss... then who was it with?" Why is this so important?! "It was with Sasuke ok!! Can we drop this, please!" I say it just to get it out of the way, forgetting I wasn't supposed to say the name!

"Huh...?" Her eyes grew bigger and I could feel her stiff a bit. "Do you... swing-" Hell if I'm going to let her continue that sentence! "I do not swing!! No swinging! No swinging here!! It was by mistake!" I was hoping to erase that day out of my memory! She starts laughing... very hard. So much for the moment. Wait, I'll get her flustered again!

I grab her by the waist and pull her towards me. When she puts her hands on my chest to stable herself, her laughter came to a complete stop and her face a little shocked. I should drop the bomb now. "The reason I kissed you is because I like you (Y/N)!" That's the expression I wanted. Tomato face is back hehe! My face is not showing a single sign that I'm joking. "I'm sorry I kissed you without your permission, I should have asked first. Do you... by any chance, feel the same way?" Even though I should already know the answer, I want to hear it from her, saying it for me to hear. Not my sleeping self. "I-If this is a j-joke it's not funny U-Uzumaki!" Even though she wanted to sound threatening, her voice was low and stuttering, she tried saying my nickname to not sound flustered but it didn't work. "I don't joke about these things. I'll say it again and again as many times as I need to. I like you, I like you, I like you, I like-" My mouth was covered by her small hands, I look down to see her, but her face was already looking down at our feet. Her red ears still show though haha.

The Survivor {Naruto x Reader}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora