
Draco also went to the funeral, but he remained behind, in the last row. He didn’t cry; he had already washed away his tears and now he felt more angry and frustrated than ever. He knew very well there was nothing he could have done that would have changed Dumbledore’s faith, but he still felt terribly guilty. He hated funerals and was only too happy to see it come to an end. He watched as the pile of white flowers covering the tomb grew steadily. White flowers, white tomb, white chairs – everything was so white, and everybody was entirely dressed in black – black school robes, black veils, black hats.

‘Everything’s so… bland,’ Draco thought. He felt like it did the Headmaster no honour at all. Dumbledore would have wanted colours, life, smiles – hope. Placing his hands in his pockets, he headed towards the Black Lake.

He saw a small figure huddled in the distance and approached it slowly before realizing it was Maria’s. He crouched beside her and held her comfortingly while faint sobs shook her exhausted body. He said nothing, willing to stay by her side for as long as it would take. He knew he couldn’t dry her tears, but that didn’t matter: all he cared about was holding her in his arms, giving her the warmth she desperately needed. She needed a shoulder to cry on, and he was there for her.


How long had it been? They had no clue; but Maria eventually stopped crying and her first words were: "Thank you." She backed up a bit to look at Draco as a small smile illuminated her glistening and slightly red-rimmed eyes.

"- for letting me soak your shirt again," she added in sad-humor.

He smiled at her, wiping away her last tear with his thumb.

"It’s not your fault, Maria," he said softly, his bluish-grey eyes tender - she melted into them effortlessly.

"I know," she replied in a throaty voice, "and it isn’t yours neither."

They looked at each other in silence: Draco was trying very hard to hide his remorseful frown. Maria pondered over his features for a while, her face unexpectedly blank, before turning her gaze into the distance.

"Whatever happens, I’m already proud of you."

She looked back into Draco’s eyes, her own lively and sparkling in a strange, sad way that matched her weak, yet apprehensive tone.

"You put everything behind you," she continued, gaining confidence as she spoke, "and I know that you can do it once more... with or without me."

She was smiling gravely as Draco frowned, suddenly dreadful. He didn’t like this talk one bit.

"What do you mean?" he asked, eyeing her exhausted expression sceptically.

She sighed in an uneven breath.

"This can’t go on Draco. Lupin was right; it’s foolish."

He simply looked at her and nodded solemnly, her words echoing inside of him as he knew them to be just too true.

"I’ve been thinking about it, a lot, and you have to forget about everything Draco, it’s the only way," she explained, her smile fading as the words escaped her mouth.

"What do you mean?" he repeated, his throat and stomach knotted tightly.

"I mean a memory charm Draco. I mean to erase me, Dumbledore, the plan… everything."

Maria pushed Draco’s hands away reluctantly, yet decisively, and took out her wand, fighting back completely different tears. The decision was made; she knew what had to be done.

"Wait!" he rushed. "Is there any other way?"

"No…" she whispered shakily. She couldn’t look him in the eye.

"Can it be reversed?" he asked, hoping with every ounce of his aching heart that it could.

"Only the caster can lift the spell," Maria told, a tear strolling down her cheek. She was losing the fight.

"Can you promise me you will?" he demanded, his voice urgent.

"But you won’t remember me, and I can’t promise any-"

"Damn it Maria promise me you will!!" he yelled, his voice cracking.

She simply stared at him, her lips tightly shut, and he watched her, frozen. It was as though the world had collapsed beneath him – above him; crushing him. He took her head in his hands and she kissed him softly, apologizing.

He kissed her back and his lips became hard, urgent; she pressed tightly against him, not wanting to let go. Even so, nothing could satisfy the emptiness that would soon fill their hearts.

A Heavenly Betrayal (Draco Malfoy Love Story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora