Chapter Four

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It's nighttime and I'm alone. Interestingly enough, this doesn't scare me. Panic surges through me, but it's not because of the darkness. It's the gnawing feeling in my throat. I need water -- desperately. Tentatively, I push the covers off my tomb ridden body.

    My hand shakes, but I feel stronger than I have lately. I'm wearing the same clothes as the ritual. I ignore my insatiable thirst and peel off the jeans that have crinkled to my skin. Next, I pull my t-shirt off, hurling it in the direction of my laundry basket. My pajamas are folded on the chair next to my bed.

    Someone was expecting me to wake up at night. I purse my lips, not wasting another moment pondering all the oddities from my life. That would take too long. Instead, I tiptoe out of my bed. I almost wait for my legs to give out. They feel like jello as I walk to the door.

    My hand grasped the door handle, twisting it open. There's something ominous about this night. I wet my lips, which are chapped. The hallway is pitch black, but my eyes have adjusted to the darkness. I wince as the stairs creak under my bare feet. I'm not mentally prepared to talk to my Gran or my mom.

    I continue down the stairs, entering the empty kitchen. I gorge myself on water, it burns all the way down my esophagus. I stop, only so I can breathe. My lungs ache, smoldering slightly. the glass I had been drinking from, slips from my hand into the sink. It clatters, hitting every corner of the metal sink. Eventually, it quiets. I hold my breath, again waiting for someone to wake up.

    No one wakes up.

    Instead, I hear a caw. My eyes dart upright, out the kitchen window. The moon casts its light down on a familiar creature perched in a tree. It's ebony eyes meet mine: Poe. I recognize the dark figure instantly. I stand very still, then Poe kicks off the sturdy branch, ascending upwards. She's going to tell Erik I am awake, which I find comforting.


    "Don't you think you're being a little dramatic?" I force myself not to roll my eyes at my eccentric mother. I have never seen her show so much maternal instinct. Of course, the one time she does it is completely misdirected. I am fine: so what, if I was in a coma for ten days. At least, I woke up!

    Unfortunately, neither her nor my Gran sees my way. They don't understand what I was never in any real danger. Of course, I didn't tell them about dreamland and Daniel being psychotic and wanting me to stay with him -- wherever he was. I didn't even tell Gran I remember her sitting next to me and her odd words.

    My mom just looks exasperatedly at Gran. Then, she throws her hands in the air, as if she is baffled by me. Gran set the newspaper down and looks over at me. I sigh, knowing she is about to take my mom's side.

    "We care about you," her sagacity is unmistakable. I just think they are being biased. "Why don't you take one more day to rest? There will always be school to attend." She says the last part full of glib. I know they mean well, but they have no idea what one more day trapped in this house will do to me.

    I sigh, attempting at calming down.

    "I know, but you need to trust me: I am okay." I don't break eye contact with my Gran. She looks into my eyes, recognizing how serious this is for me. Most teenagers, might not mind missing another day of school, but I'm different. I need to find out some of the answers to all my questions. In order to do so, I need to get out of this house.

    "If you go," I smile wide. I can't conceal my excitement. "If," her tone warning. "We need to talk -- all of us." She gestures for us to follow her. My mom and I make the same twisted up face. I didn't say anything, just followed her up to her room. Dara was nowhere in sight, but I didn't mind. I was still convinced she was plotting to kill me.

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