4. I wont let her change me...

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Hello Chocosticks... How are you all??

Thanks for all love and support you have been giving...

Guys, everytime I give my opinions on certain thing... But this time I want to know your opinions too...

So let's do this, from now on, in every two chapters I will give a topic and you guys share your opinions on that... Fine???

So the topic is why do parents or elders at home teach only girls on how to behave, how to dress, how to talk, whom to talk, what to do and what not to do? Why do they don't tell boys how to be with girls? ( May be few may teach their boys, but many don't.)

I wanna dedicate this chap to AnanyaGupta102 swe_k95 bella_shubhi

Ashni POV:

I was so happy that everything became right by the end of the day. Otherwise, I couldn't imagine my career coming to an end. I can't stop smiling. And again to agree, When he smiles, he looks more handsome. But I don't know why, he becomes stern the next second.

Many said that he doesn't smile. But then I saw him smiling a lot today. I mean he does smile at people, then why do others talk so much rubbish about him. They actually scared the hell out of me. But I don't think of him that way anymore. I think he is a nice guy. In fact a great guy. Otherwise why would he himself save me today. Why would he look into truth by himself.

I was in these deep thoughts when someone poked me. I looked beside me.

"What are you thinking ma'am? " Anrag asked me.

"Nothing, just about today. How my life took so many turns just within one day. How it could have been last day of my career. " I said.

"It is not the end Anshi. And do you think Aunty, Uncle and my dad would have let you just give up like that. They would have dragged you to our hospital. " he said. That's true.

"See everything turned out to be fine. So chill. And thanks to Roshan sir. He helped you. " he added.

"Yes, I owe him big. He is such a nice guy and understanding and helpful one. Why do people talk about him that way? " I questioned.

"May be no one can see how good he is. May be they don't understand him. Anyways forget about all that. Now tell me where shall we go to have food? " he asked.

"Okay, I am so happy, so let's go to.... " I was about to finish, but he interrupted me.

"No. Not there again. Yaar, we have been there for like million times. Let's go to a new place. There are so many good places. " he complains.

"Look. I know that, but this is my happy moment and my celebration, so it has to be my choice. " I said.

"Okay fine ma'am. " he gives up.

We drive to my all time favorite restaurant Sweetheart. When ever I feel like celebrating we go there. Like he said, we have been there many times, but I never get bored. So I go there all the time.

We chatted a lot while we were on the  way. He was telling me about his case and how his fellow mates covered for him when he was with me for my support. He is the best that I can ask for as a friend.

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