6. Falling for her??

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Hello beautiful readers

I know that I haven't been updating lately...I am really sorry for that...I started my MBA .. so stuck up with busy schedule...I am really trying to give my 100% to update...thanks for all the love and support...

You have to beautiful from inside... Don't care about what others say...you should be yourself... Never change for anyone else... If you keep change yourself to impress and make others like you then by the end of the day you will lose yourself...


Ashni POV:

After I woke up from my power nap I went home. By the time I reached home, Mon and Dad were already ready to go to hospital.

" Good morning Love birds.. " I wished them.

" Good morning Darling.." they said.

"So how was second day.?" Dad asked.

" Dad, I feel like he is just you in every possible way. " I said.

He laughed at that. My mom looked at me intensly. 

"What mom?" I asked.

"Nothing dear. All I say is give your best and you are also old enough to know what is best for you." She said.

I nodded at her.

" Chalo, I will get ready and have breakfast and then I will also leave. " I said.

"Love u both, have a good day." I said while going into my room.

"Love u too." They said.

I got ready and had breakfast with my dada.

"So Mr.Stoneheart is giving you tough time. " He said.

"Mr. Stoneheart.??!!!!" I asked in confusion.

"That's the name I am giving you boss." He said. I laughed.

"Oh Dada, you are the coolest and the best." I said

"And you are right. Sometimes he will be cool. Sometimes he will be kadoos. Sometimes so confused. Mixture of so many emotions and personalities at the same time. I am not able to understand him. " I said.

"Just remember one thing. Not everyone's life is so simple and happy going. Always personal life has impact on everything in life. I am not telling you to interfere in his personal life but just don't jump to conclusions." He said. I nodded. And I thought what he said might be true.

After that little chat I left for hospital.

As soon as I reached hospital I went to interns room to check my schedule, I was assigned to children's ward. A smile creeped my lips. Again Dr. Ahana was also assigned along with me.

I didn't give importance to that. I went to children's ward. I saw Ahana there already.

I went to check patients one by one. Then I faced Ahana.

"Hi.." she said.

"Hello..." I said smiling.

"Listen I wanna talk to you." She said.

"Oh okay. Let's talk during lunch. I have lot of work." I said. She nodded.

I did checkup for others and then by informing a nurse, I went to administrative department and to continue my leftover work.

As I entered the room, I saw a new intern there,

"Hi .. were you assigned the work?" I asked.

"Hi actually no... I was passing by and I saw the files left just like that so I thought of going through. Interesting work." She said.

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