3. Is he guilty?

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Hello Chocosticks...

I am back with another chapter. Thanks for the love, support and encouragement.

Our story is again ranked as 9 in doctorlove. Thanks for all the love and support.

Before I go into story, I wanna share some opinions of mine. You may like these opinions of mine or may not. But don't take it too personal.

Loving someone, dreaming your future with and want to marry them is not a bad thing. But don't forget your parents love of many years for your present love. And at the same time, I am not saying to ditch the person you loved. All I am saying is try to convince your parents. They are your parents, they love you. So one or the other day they will accept your love for sure. Recently, my friend informed her parents someone and wants to marry him. They didn't say yes at first. She said that she will wait till they say yes. And also she never broke their trust. She used to meet him only once a month and used to keep it as just as a lunch date. After 8 months, her parents agreed because they got it that he is well settled and made his own establishment in business with his hard work. They got the confidence that he can take care of her. In few months she is getting married.

If the parents know that he can take care of you and has a goal in life, they will definitely say yes. This doesn't mean that he should be rich or handsome. It just means that he should be goal oriented.

Don't get me wrong. All I feel is, don't hurt your parents. They have been loving no matter what from the minute they got to know that you will be coming into their lives.

I wanna dedicate this chapter to fshahy6

Ashni POV:

I ran out of the ward crying. This is my first and I really don't know how this UA screwed up. My patient almost died. What is wrong with me? Why was I careless? What am I gonna say to my parents? What will they think about me?

Just when I was in all these thoughts, I got a call from my mom.

"Ma... " I said crying.

"What happened? Why are you crying? " she asked. She was tensed.

I explained her everything.

"Honey calm down. Just listen to me. Go to nurse and talk to her first, who gave you the medicines. " she said.

"And don't worry. Your dad and I will come there and sort this out. " she said.

"No. I will take care of it MA. I got into this and I will solve it by myself. Please don't tell dad. He may get disappointed in me. " I said while sobbing.

"No dear. We will never be disappointed in you dear. We love you no matter what. Remember that. " she said. I spoke to her for a while more and I decided to face this myself.

Anrag was with me all this while.

"Ashni, please don't cry. I hate to see you like this. Let's get back. " he said.

"Anrag, what have I done? " I cried more hugging him.

"You have done nothing wrong. There is something else. First let's go and find out what is it. Okay. " he said trying to sooth me. I nodded.

We both walked in and tried to locate the nurse who got me the medicines. But we are not able to find her at all. Where the hell did she go?

Just then a ward boy walked to me and said that my patient is awake and wants to meet me.

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