27. I am sorry...💜

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Hello everyone....

How are you all???

What do you all think of the progress of the story? Are you guys like the twists and flow of the story??

Please let me know how you are finding it so far.

I want to dedicate this chapter to umasri Divyanshi076 rakshitha3 swarupa1998

Let's get into the story now...

Roshan POV:

After having heart opening conversation with dad, I came to my room. Now I don't want to live. I want to either kill myself or run away from everyone, so that I won't hurt anyone else and ultimately ruining my own life.

What have I done with everything that I had. I lost my dad, my family and friends and one of the best thing I have ever had, Ashni. I really can't believe what an idiot I was.

I never knew that I was adopted. Now I understand what kind of love my dad had for my mom. He didn't let her go and never ever made us realise us that we are adopted even once in life. I am such blessed human without a heart.

Even though I regret what I have done to my dad and Ashni, that is not enough

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Even though I regret what I have done to my dad and Ashni, that is not enough. I acted as a cruel person and what I have got at the end, I deserve it.

Anrag cares a lot for Ashni, and I think he will take care of her better than me, without hurting her, and will keep her happy. Even though it hurts me, cuts my heart with blades, knifes, I can't deny the fact that she is better off without me. She will be happy without me in her life. She was happy till she got into this hospital and met me. She suffered a lot when she was with me as a intern and also as a girlfriend.

So I think this is the best for her.

Thinking that I can never have her in my life, breaks my heart into million pieces. And tears kept to flow throughout.

"Bhai, can I come in?" Mayu asked.

"Mayu, you don't need my permission. Come" I said.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"No, but I deserve this." I said.

"Bhai, I know what you did is nothing less than a very cruel plan. But now you know that what you did was a mistake. Now you have to correct it." She said.

"Yes, I will. I am planning to go to Ashni's house tomorrow and apologize to all." I said.

"Good. I will also come." She said.

"No, they are pretty upset with me. If they say anything to you, I may not be able to take it. It's all my fault and you shouldn't get wrath of it." I said.

For The Beautiful MineDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora