23. Birthday Surprise..

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Hello allllllll....

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Let's hope that everything goes well between Ashni and Roshan.

Let's start with today's part.

I want to dedicate this chapter to SBhonsle4

Ashni POV:

I was very excited to introduce Roshan to my parents. But suddenly he changed my plans and he also acted very weird when he saw my parents, I hope everything is okay. He was very reserved throughout the party too. I introduced him as my colleague and boss only because Roshan insisted that I do so. Not sure why. What he is thinking, what plans he has in there. I am little worried, but I know the fact that he won't hurt me. Maybe he got tensed when he saw my parents. Because he never met just as my friend too. So that's possible. Anyways, I have to talk to him tonight. I couldn't talk to him much as I was busy with the guests. The party went on great and my parents are super happy. So I am happy about that atleast.

I gave a send off to all the guests and came to my room to relax a bit.

Once I got changed and got into my bed, I called Roshan.

"Hello.." his voice seemed little rough and stern.

"I am so sorry, as there were many guests I couldn't spend proper time with you. As soon as I got free, I am calling you. And what happened to your voice? Are you okay?" I asked.

"Nothing happened. I think some drink has different reaction on my throat. May be I had too much." He said.

"Okay. Take care. I can't miss your voice to say sweet things to me." I said and there is no reaction from the other side.

"Roshan." I called him out.

"Yes, I am there. Listen, why don't you take rest. You seem tired." He said.

"Yes, I will. But can I ask you something before that?" I said.

"Yes what is it?" He said.

"Is everything alright? You are not talking sweetly to me. You didn't allow me to introduce you as my boyfriend to my parents. Did I do something wrong?" I asked him.

"No baby. Nothing like that. I am just little tired. And I was actually nervous looking at your parents. That's why I asked if we can postpone telling about me to them. That's all. Don't overthink. Just take rest and we will meet tomorrow in the hospital. Okay." He said.

That's when I was relaxed.

"Okay. Good night. Love you." I said.

"Love you too." He said and I can sense him smiling. I also smiled and went to bed.

 I also smiled and went to bed

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