29. What does fate holding for us???

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Hello allllllll,

How are you all doing???

How many of you are BTS Army..??? Please let me know.

I want to dedicate this chapter to ellieabram reecha1 NilupaDeSilva chakarjo Shaanrao1855 mufidasawaleh DhanyaSajikumar KavyaMedikonda Menaka11 DevanshSinghD

I know I am late in updating. I am really sorry for that. I wrote the whole chapter, but it got deleted and I couldn't retrieve it. So I rewrote everything. With full-time job, it's little tough. I am trying my best for keeping up my speed and update schedules. I hope you all support me and understand the situation. I am sorry once again.

Now let's get into our story.

Ashni POV:

Roshan was really sweet to stay for me. Caring for me. I love him, and I can't deny that fact. But should I let him into my life that easily?!

I know that he still loves me and cares for me.

May be I should give him a chance. But I will not be easy on him, I will be more strict with him. I don't want to get hurt again, that would mean that my family and friends will also get hurt. I don't want them to go through all that once again. Just now things are getting back to normal and smiles came back.

I was having breakfast with my parents when I was thinking all of this.

"Ashni, what are you thinking?" Dad asked.


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"Nothing, tomorrow is my colleagues wedding. Can I go?" I asked.

"Why are asking? Go ahead. I think it's fine, since Anrag, Priyam and others will be there." Dad said.

"Thanks dad." I said.

"How is Roshan behaving?" Mom asked.

"He is being very professional. He is not crossing any line. And he even stayed back in the hospital last night for my safety." I said.

"That's good improvement." Mom said.

"Whatever Ashni. Stay away from him. It's good that he is keeping his promise of staying away from you and not bothering you. But still, I don't like him anymore at all. So stay away." Dad said seriously.

"Don't be so hard on him. You also did these kind of mistakes with me." Mom said.

"What?" Dad asked.

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