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"Aren't you tired after hearing me blabbering on and on about shit?" Jisoo paused and turned to look at Jennie.

"Your voice is like music to my ears, why would I even be tired?" Jennie winked and sent a flying kiss to her.

"Ew you flirty ass," Jisoo pushed her jokingly as sighed, "Anyways, have you got any plans to prank Lisa and Chaeyoung?"

"I don't know, you can decide whatever you want to do," Jennie leaned forward to take a sip from her glass of mango milkshake.

"Uh you know you can just lift the cup up, right?" Jisoo teased as she watched the girl struggling to drink, receiving an annoyed look from Jennie.

"I just didn't want to freeze my hands you stupid lil noob."

"Wow, says the one who's a 96 liner huh?"

"Shut up, coconut head!" Jennie tried to hide her grin as she snatched away Jisoo's coffee.


"Aw you can't reach, you shortie!" Jennie shouted as she stood up on the sofa and lifted the cup up.

"C'mon you're like 1cm taller!" Jisoo whined as she sat and watched her coffee being swung around by Jennie. Pouting, she tugged at Jennie's shirt and said, "Return me my coffee or I'll eat you."

"How you gonna do that huh?" Jennie asked as she tried to shake off all her impure thoughts.

"I can bite you!" Jisoo forced out her squeaky voice before she started coughing violently, "I absolutely can't do aegyo so please return me my drink before I call the police."

"Well call them then, I'll wait for the police to arrest me and I'll bring your coffee into the cell so you'll never see it again," Jennie smirked.

"You pig," Jisoo laughed as she started chasing Jennie around the house.

"Wait wait I need a head start before you-" Jennie desperately tried to escape from Jisoo's grip as she pinned her against the wall.

"Guess you aren't that quick huh?" Jisoo cackled as she let go of her. Rubbing her arm, Jennie turned around to lash out at Jisoo but... their faces were too close to each other's, way too close to be exact.

Her heart started pounding rapidly and her cheeks flushed. "What's this feeling lol," she thought. She looked down at the floor awkwardly, cupping her cheeks with her cold hands, trying to cool down her heated cheeks. Before she knew it, she was gently pulled in and a light kiss was planted on her lips. She mumbled softly, "What was that for?"

"Nothing, best friends can kiss too—" she hesitated.

The house was silent for a moment, it felt like time had stopped, just for them. They looked into each other's dark eyes with mixed feelings, not knowing what to do next.

"—anyways here's your coffee. Oh, and don't pin me down again, it hurts."



so it's 28/3/ today and i know i wrote chapter 35 before 33 and 34 (yes im thaaat weird)

anyways well my queen's birthday was yesterday yayy 🎉 and ahem they look so awesome in their "kill this love" posters i can't breathe with so much visuals attacking me i mean look at them they're literally taking my breath away and calling me ugly in the face-

but anyways we're slowly approaching 10k reads :D thank you all so much!

edit: hi it's 5 july currently, and as you can see, this chapter has been stuck in my drafts for 3 months hehe ;D but other than that, 2 updates in a week, what an achievement!

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