ll੩੫ll Lovely Party...

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I shook my head playfully yet seriously. "You've read too much."

So here it was, the big not-so-surprise after god know how long of trying to persuading me.

Hands came around from behind, teasing the tightness of my thin waist with a gentle cinch. Luckily the material was breathable for my lung expansion and light weight to walk in. Maybe even too tight, I look like a skeleton.

He must have seen the expression on my face for him to say with a dangerously soft voice by my earlobe, "If you don't learn to love yourself and this body I'll have to do it myself."

My toes curls with some type of excitement, breathe almost snatched when he touch the bare skin of my shoulder and kissed the bone. I heard the deep growl for lust and felt his need to hold me from how he hugged me like a teddy bear clutching its stuffed heart.

"We have an audience."

He whipped his head to survey the bedroom. "There's no one here."

I roll my eyes. "Downstairs, no?"

"They can wait," Greysan huffed, snuggling closer. "Maybe we can give them another reason to celebrate."

"I'm already with child," I reply bashfully with a wince. The thought still hadn't sat well with me although I tried to not let it get the better of me.

"Nevertheless," He said, smiling and guiding me towards the door. The flat of his palm was creeping the edges of my flattened waist. "You look lovely so."

A rush of heat came to my face when I said lowly, "Thank you Greysan.

"You know for what, so don't make me say it." I later added as a thought when confusion warped his face.

His grin faltered, dulling only the slightest when he hung his head. By personal request, I was having laser hair removal done discreetly. Greysan had approved without hesitation, being nothing but supportive from the start. He asked only once if it was what I truly wanted, and hadn't comment on anything even when I decided to stop as soon as my first symptoms began. It was indeed a blessing. So much of it was gone in less than 3 treatments, almost about three quarters was invisible, softer, and skin paler than before without the enlarged pores. It was still here but hardly noticeable.

"I'd do whatever you ask whether it kill or wound me. This was the most I could do," Greysan said softly, arm loomed around me as we walked the silent hallway. "You must be feeling so confident."

"I am," I said, expecting a lecture on how I was already beautiful. What I got was surprising.

"You look so too, ever since the first time you've been so happy. You smile more despite saying the gesture doesn't suit you or that it's confusing. Honestly Sylis and I are so happy for you when you say you finally feel comfortable in your skin or that you're confident because we're assured you'll make a great Luna if anything were to happen to us."

"How bold of you to assume I'd be alive without you," I counter in almost a whisper, perking his attention as we rounded the first set of staircases.

I glazed right by him, reddened lips curling upwards tentatively. Everyone appeared to slow down upon on our descent. The black tiled room was spacious despite people dancing in their finery, swaying golden curtains along the outward domed wall toward the north doors and large glass panels against the sound wall.

You Are Most Welcome AlphaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang