ll੩੦ll With the Best of my Distorted Vision...

90 3 1

"Morning sōhnee," Greysan greeted first thing in the morning, his voice heavily husky.

I sighed in delight, cuddling my head closer into his chest, fingers glazing over the lines to the tattoo. The heart which laid beneath began to quicken, and his hand caught my wrist in the act. He asked dangerously, "Are you indirectly inviting me to play with you again?"

"Of course," I murmur, pulling away while the bangles were rattling. Running a hand down south his chest like he had yesterday night with many parts of himself, I began to slowly grind myself to his side with the space between my legs.

"First thing in the morning?" Sylis ground out, eyes glowing with possession. "Someone needs to be punished for wanting dessert so soon."

"Mmmmm?" I had him under my captive with the pretty innocent doe eyes but it wasn't long before Greysan had me pinned again. Arms crossed above, he teased his way down to my breasts as if he seemed to appreciate more than I cared too. "P-please Greysan."

"There are those manners," Greysan kisses, groaning in my mouth. I had tears prickling beneath my eyelids when I felt the pressure escalate in my lower half.

"How much love are you going to make with me?" I rasp between his fast and deep thrusts, clawing my nails on his bare back. "Not that..I-I'm complaining of the treatment."

He withdrew and rolled with me in his arms. Still in the daze I soon found myself atop him, sheets hardly enough to cover my chest from his greedy eyes. There was a hand brushing my hair back until he made a fist. Then came a low whisper by my ear, "Until you fucking remember who owns your pretty little mouth between my sheets."

An unexpected shudder went down my spine from the caress of his warm breathe. We rolled once more, just as suddenly as the last time, so I was flat on the bed and Greysan ready to rise from the bed. Fighing the soreness and mess between my legs, I jumped and bit his ear from behind.

"Don't start," he cursed, "something you won't be able to handle by the end. Rest, you're most likely too sore."

Falling back, I was sprawled on the bed gloriously and shamelessly watching his naked backside stride all the way to the bathroom. With the best of my distorted vision I mean, my glasses were luckily on the vanity. "I want to end with you inside me doggy." He slammed the door shut. I laughed soundly. Whether it was done by Greysan or Sylis I didn't know, hardly cared, I just knew they both hated being called that.

Wiggling myself beneath the sheets, I was soon flat on my stomach with arms outstretched, gazing past the small partition between curtains to the world outside. My eyes shook flickered to the glittering red and ivory of my bangles. I wonder what would they say now, if they saw this me.

Would they see a young, foolish girl those had ruined her life and brought dishonor to the family by eloping and marrying the out of caste male? Or would they see their beautifully maturing daughter happily married and finally learning to accept her weakness?

A pair of hands snaked a trail from my ass up my back. "They look gorgeous on you." Greysan said, glancing at bangles too.


"Yes Luna?" Greysan called, palming my breasts, snuggling into my neck.

"I want to go back," His hands went awfully still before he retracted.

"Back as in..?" Greysan left hanging.

I nod solemnly, slanting my body to face him. Spotting the confusion, I sighed and collected myself to shit upright, sheets clutched to my chest. Luckily Greysan had the decency to wear some boxers. "I don't care about any backlash but I just don't want the feeling of defeat anymore. The feeling of giving up and running."

"You never ran. I took you away." He corrected softly, sitting back too. His back was leaning on the beds frame away from me.

"Yes, I know. But it's hard to explain. I've been wanting to leave that place for ages and the way I left doesn't matter but having this wedding, the rituals and going to the gurudwara. It has been a lot. I had sworn to never be married in one, in that sacred home of god. But," I bit my lip, "but, being with you gave me the courage to go through, but now I have this internal conflict with myself. I always struggled with religion and finding the culture. Now I feel as if I gave up too easily, and I think I can go back now and settle some old wounds. Maybe even break some expectations while I'm at it."

The silence was so defeating, I prayed he open his mouth and say what was on his mind already. "Not that you have to come with me, allow me to go alone." I added briskly.

In response to listening, he was running his hand through his locks. "We'll go, together," Greysan said firmly, "right after I get some legal paperwork drawn up. You need to be wife in the documents too before anything happens."

"Nothing will happen to either of us," I inch towards him, cuddling in his arms when it folded over me. Since it was still early in the morning, we took a nap tangled in one another's arms. When I was tossing in my sleep a few hours later, I heard the vibrating of a phone. Unusual, I heard to go off like six times before too.

Slipping away with my slender form wasn't hard. He barely had anything to hold onto other than my bones even after I ate so much. Snoring lightly, I scoff at his how cute his dimples looks. Brushing the hair away from my face, to my mortification, I saw that all eight of my friends had tried to contact me at least 4 times each since 4 in the morning.

What has them so panicked? I unlock my Iphone quickly and stare at the messages they've sent me. It was all mostly the same, just reworded. I had gone numb at first. No.

No, no.

Absolutely not.


I refuse to believe it.


My vision spun and I felt the bed slip from beneath me. It was too much for me to bare, the air simply snatched from my lung. The phone fell first, before I did.


Thank the lord for Houseparty and it's ability to Group FaceTime. I wouldn't have seen my friends otherwise 🥺


P.S.  ten HR shifts suck 😐

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