Butterfly effect

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Bryse POV

I finally pinned her on the ground "please stop" I whined growing tired of fighting her.
"GET OFF OF HER" I heard someone yell from behind me I turned to see Nalijah's foster mother standing in the door way.

"Mrs. James I was uh- I'm trying to stop her from hurting herself she's trying to kill herself and the baby" I tried to explain.
"Mommy he's lying he doesn't want me to have the baby he's trying to convince me that to do a at home abortion. Get him off of me. Knock him off of me" she growled. "GET HIM OFF OF ME HE'S HURTING ME MOMMY DO SOMETHING HE'S HURTING ME." She screamed. Nalijah began wiggling trying to get lose I looked down at her a creepy spine chilling grin appeared on her face before everything went black.


"why was he choking you nana" I heard someone say but everything sounded muffled. I groaned beginning to stretch everything on me was screaming in pain. "Nalijah" I mumbled I wasn't going to fight her but I did want to know that she was okay.
"lil girl don't go near that boy and he just put his motherfucking hands on you" Her adoptive mother warned but nalijah ignored continuing to make her way towards me.

"I'm sorry" she cried burying her face into my chest her hair smelled of strawberry shampoo. "it's okay" I mumbled squeezing her. " I just didn't want you to harm yourself or our baby I lobe the both of y'all" I kissed her forehead.
"I just want my happy family. An I will stop at nothing to get it." she sniffled.

Right there in that moment it became clear I was going to have to be with her til she had the baby then from there I was going to take my baby.

Mylise POV

I scowled at Jason as he came in talking about 'Time's up'. " I want to speak to Cartez now" I snapped Jason. "you going to stop fucking snapping at me." Jason mumbled "Just let her babe she's having a hard time accepting her fate." Envy muttered. "My fate isn't in this fucking place I could tell you that." I snapped at her.
Cartez entered the room stress was written all over his face he loosen his tie and began to undo his tux. "Excuse you"

"Am I in the way or something?" he asked laying back on the bed.

"No, but you about to be bashed over the head. In here getting comfortable." I made a stank face causing him to smirk. "We're married Mrs. Carter we'll share a room only to please my parents if you gotta issue you can sleep on the floor or the couch I know i'm not though." he mumbled taking a deep breathe.
"why couldn't I talk to my mother What's the real reason y'all keeping us apart?" I asked because this was starting to get old they got the deal and we got married there's nothing else I could think of that they had to keep me for.

"For our safety and to make sure that our deal really goes through even after that you can go home to go visit ,but your home will be with me in Trinidad."
I glared at him I was confused as hell now why can't I just go home and stay home my mom and dad gotta have more of a plan I know for a fact they wouldn't just let these niggas think that they won.

Storme POV

I twirled my hand in Deondre's curls. I knew for a fact if the boys caught us here we would be up shits creek without a paddle so I prayed that Sienna knew what she was doing. I saw her out the corner of my eye sweating bullets. I shook my head turning my full attention back to this freckled face bastard. "Damn ma you thick as hell" he groaned rubbing my ass I mentally rolled my ass while smiling.

"U-U-uncle" Sienna lowly said. I grabbed Deondre face forcing it towards Sienna I began kissing his neck in a attempt to keep it that way.

Take a deep breathe and start from the beginning I thought to myself because if she couldn't pull this off we'd be fucked.

Not Broken Just Unfinished Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora