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Maliya POV

Ever since the kiss between me & jeremih I've been feeling funny I allowed him to stay til his injuries healed. It was only right ,because they were caused by my husband.
"You favorite food is still fries after all of these years" he taunted. "Not everything has changed ya know."

"I can see that" he mumbled scanning my body. I moved a little further from him.
"I can't even give you a compliment ma"
"No you can't I'm married" I snapped. Looking at jeremih made it hard to hate him it's like looking into the future of what Cairo is going to turn into...

"How'd you sleep" i asked attempting to change the subject.
" I couldn't I just looked through Cairo stuff and at his pictures." He softly said.
Part of me felt bad for him because he missed out on so much that he can never get back or make up for. The other half is screaming fuck him because he left he walked out he did this to himself how dare he come back and do this..

"It's still up to Cairo whether he wants you in his life or not." I sat the bowl full of french fries in front of us beginning to salt them.
"As for you?" He said
"As for me what?"
"Do you want me in your life" he stared deep into my eyes.
Tension rose I opened my mouth with nothing coming out.
Jeremih phone lit up & Noelle's name flashed.
I shook my head backing away from him.
I felt stupid i was falling for him again but the call brought me back down to earth.
Storme POV

I quickly showered and put my hair into a high pony tail . Put on a red crop top with black ripped jeans and my red huaraches finish by tying a red & black flannel around my waist.
"Ready bro bro" I plopped on the couch next to sleeping Adonis. "Bruh move ya annoying ass" adonis snapped pushing me to the floor.

"Bitch" I laughed ripping the blanket off of him.
"Slut" he retorted snatching the blanket back.
"Cunt" I replied snatching the pillow from underneath his head . When he went to snatch it back I took off running .

"Why are you like this" adonis whined. The last couple days he's been sad he wont tell us why but he refuses to move off the couch but he kinda needs to because he's starting to smell.
"GIVE HIM BACK WHATEVER YOU TOOK NOW STORME" kyrell yelled from his bathroom. I rolled my eyes giving adonis back his musty ass pillow.

"When you going back to New York" I asked. "I'm not" he mumbled. "Awhh someone broke the wittle baby heart" I taunted some more.
Adonis smirked "how would kyrell like it if he knew ole boy snuck into the house a couple weeks ago when he let you go out to that party??"

I shut up & sat down til kyrell was ready. I already knew we were going to meet his new girl & her children i guess. I still couldn't believe he was really in love with someone all of my life I've mostly been with kyrell never not once did he show any interest in a long term relationship now were moving to Louisiana so he can be with some lady.

Instantly my mood shifted when i seen Cairo's name flash across my screen.
I've been ignoring him since I caught him & Treylin together. As for Treylin every time i see sis im beating ha ass.
I began contemplating should i even answer. I decided not to instead i played What i do by lg izz

I began singing with Lg feeling each lyric in my soul.

"You be doing the most damn. I just wanna hear slow jams can we live in the moment? I ran outta time"

Tears slipped out as i sung " I was dumb , we was young , i was drunk"

"That nigga got you trippin" Adonis joked from the doorway. I flicked him off continuing to sing. Maybe i did catch feelings for Cairo too early but it didn't hurt any less.
I paused the song hearing adonis beginning to raise his voice in the next room.
"I told you I'd do it noelle what the fuck.! You called dre behind my back. Did you do the trade off?? How much was she worth. Mylise had to at least be worth 1 mil easy thats not factoring in who her parents are" it was muffled but i heard everything word for word. I text Cairo telling him to get to his sister now.

Not Broken Just Unfinished Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ