Can not save me?

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Maliya POV
Weirdly sleeping in Omari's arms I felt safe and warm. I didn't have scary dreams like how I've been when I've slept beside Brandon. I didn't dream at all just complete darkness.

"Goodmorning beautiful" Omari whispered kissing my cheek. I stretched sitting up. "Listen baby today we needa leave Chicago okay your crazy ass ex is going to be coming after us. So go ahead and shower imma get our stuff ready & get us some food" he Said kissing up my back. I nodded getting up he smacked my ass. I shivered in discomfort.

I sat got in the shower letting the warm water run over the body. I feel like honestly I just need to give up my life take 1 step forward and 30,000 back. For the first time in weeks I realized how much I missed Jeremih and Kalen. I feel like I'm spinning out of control I miss just being around them just good vibes.

I got out put on moisturizer, did my hair . I stood in front of the mirror before I got dressed rubbing my belly. I tried poking it out to see how would it look when I get bigger. It just didn't look possible. I jumped hearing Omari walk in.

"You look good baby" he said trying to hug me I pushed him away. Omari chuckled rubbing the back of his neck. I brought you back chili fries & a large orange soda. My mouth began to water as I took a mouthful of fries. "Damn you were hungry" Omari mumbled

I nodded I took a sip of soda. I tried to my hardest to wrap my head around the situation I was in. I just couldn't it was either I didn't want to believe it or I was so overwhelmed I just started not to care. I was in danger either way. Being home with Jeremih and Kalen Omari would come after me nonstop. Staying with Brandon I'll lose my baby and I'll be abused. I chuckled thinking how fucked I am.
I finished getting dressed. The ride to the airport was quiet. Omari was fast asleep as if he hadn't slept all night. I was just sitting up plotting I feel like my issues had always been I'm waiting on someone else to save me I need to save my damn self. I've decided to go back to a strip club but after what happened at the odyssey I don't think I'll be able to be hired back so I'll just go to the devil's realm stack my money up. I'll get myself out of this. I need to do it quick before I start showing. I'll be fucked if I don't I'll be stuck with Omari raising a baby stuck with the same fate I had.

Aaliyah POV
After my uncle called last night saying that more than likely Derrick and Alyssa were murdered. I didn't know what to tell Bianca I told her that her siblings just thought it would be better if she stayed with us for a while. She shrugged not wanting me to know that she wanted to cry.
I made her breakfast hoping to cheer her up "Bianca we gotta talk" I said sitting the plate in front of her. She nodded as she began to eat. "Listen you'll be living here with me , my uncle omari, and his girlfriend Maliya. The catch to that is you'll have to work just how I do. Since your young and inexperienced with the stuff we do which is girls help line up boys or set up people who crossed us the boys are the muscle. You'll be doing the house work here like cleaning , cooking, helping make sure Maliya doesn't run again shit like that" I explained. "Igh it's whatever right I mean I've been abandoned for the 2nd time in my life by my own family I get it stay out y'all way without making a mess of shit but bring something beneficial. Just like at home" Bianca mumbled. She finished eating.  I brought her upstairs to help me start cleaning up Maliya's room and reorganizing it how Uncle Omari wants it then back to cleaning the kitchen, living room, dining room, all 3 bathrooms, then I helped her set up her room.
She seemed real sweet different from her siblings. "You'll be shadowing me I'll teach you about lining boys up and how to get them to trust you and all that it's really light" I chuckled hoping to make her laugh. She smirked a little "I'm going up to my room now" she mumbled. Seeing Bianca hurting , hurt but I couldn't bring myself to say she has no one in this world. She had Derrick's skin color but she didn't look like either of her siblings she had a foreign look about her.

Dexter POV"They're on the way to the airport they must be going back to Baton Rouge" Brandon mumbled scrubbing the blood off of the rug

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Dexter POV
"They're on the way to the airport they must be going back to Baton Rouge" Brandon mumbled scrubbing the blood off of the rug. "Make sure you get all that shit up to" Brandon's mother growled.
"I'll just buy you a new rug" Brandon huffed being tired of being yelled at.

"Ma we're going to the airport." I yelled. "What for" Brandon asked. "We going to get my sis. There's a plane leaving for Baton Rouge in 2hrs" I said rubbing my head. Brandon nodded.

It was a long drawn out awkward silence. "I didn't mean to. Hurt her , beat her or get her pregnant. I just tssss.... brah I don't know" Brandon sighed. I shook my head. "Homie I know your not looking for sympathy right now. You got the best girl the actual best. She'll bend backwards for you. You break her more and more each day & she'll still look at you with so much love in her eyes. Now she's carrying your child she's scared. She's scared all she wanted was for you to tell her it was alright" I huffed dipping in and out of traffic.

"I-I" Brandon began to stutter. "Shut the fuck up man" I chuckled. I watched his eyes dart across the airport. " She right there"he growled. Brandon jumped out the moving car into traffic running as fast as he could. I followed.

Omari POV
"You ready to go home baby" I smiled kissing Maliya's hand. She didn't say anything just slowly continued to breath.
I spotted someone charging towards us. I scooped Maliya up in my arms and began running. "It's okay baby I'm not going to let them stop our happily ever after" I smirked pushing past a crowd of people. Maliya just nodded sitting quietly.

I ducked into a bathroom hearing shots ring out in the airport. "Give me my girl" I heard behind me. I glared at lightskinned nigga. "Nah" I laughed. He looked back at Maliya then down at his feet. "Fuck it man this is to much over a thot ass bitch that don't listen and trap niggas." He mumbled putting the gun away. I slipped past him grabbing Maliya hand. Tears slipped from her eyes. She went to say something but nothing came out.

I rushed to the plane taking our seats.

Brandon POV

I left the bathroom feeling relieved that Maliya was gone I'm not going to lie im going to miss fucking her , but I'm not ready to be a husband or a father I just liked the thought of coming home to her.

"Where is she at" dexter asked trying to catch his breath. I shook my head and kept walking. "I know you Brandon..." dexter huffed before shooting me 3 times once in the shoulder, leg, and stomach. "You got rid of her like she was garbage" dexter said trying to contain his anger.
"It wasn't like that bro I just couldn't I didn't catch them" I choked out trying to control my breathing. Dexter rolled his eyes then ran when he saw cops coming. I laid on the airport floor trying not to cry.

Not Broken Just Unfinished Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang