Open Wounds

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Kalen POV
I watched closely as Maliya got out of a random nigga car. She smiled stepping on the porch. I didn't say anything I could barely bare to look at her. Her smile faded she nodded and headed into the house.

"Tell me something bro" jeremih said spitting seeds into a bottle. I looked at him waiting for his question. "Why are you and Maliya so close." He asked quietly like he was afraid to ask.
He sighed looking at his phone. "She's always been there I don't know life without her. She's really an amazing person she has a really fucked up life though. Before she used to never let shit get to her but these last few weeks there's been a change in her. She finally starting to crack. That shit hurts to watch this happen to her and not being able to help her. It's all over social media she's been beating girls asses. She never kept secrets from me til she got a job about 6 months ago to care for her mom and herself. I don't know feel like I'm losing my bestfriend." He mumbled lighting a blunt he pulled out of his back pocket.

Jeremih POV
I walked into the house and found her in the kitchen making French fries. "Want some" she said standing at the stove. I shook my head. "You can't disappear like that" I bursted out saying. She looked at me and lifted her eyebrows. "Is it you saying that or Kalen?" She asked  pouring fries into the oil. "It's me" I said softly. "Good I won't feel as bad saying this. You don't know shit about me to tell me what I can and can't do. Didn't I already tell you yesterday don't speak on shit you know absolutely nothing about" she growled. "Listen I sat up all night worrying about you. I called kalen I thought something happened to you. We went to your mom's house we been through mad shit today to find out your with a nigga that doesn't give two fucks about you." I Said

" and you do?" She asked flipping the fries. "I do what?" I asked a little confused. "You give two fucks about me huh?" She said making me realize what I basically said. I just stared at her. "Like I fucking thought" she said with a smirk. She walked out on to the porch. I can tell by how wide her eyes got when I said we went to her mothers house we overstepped a boundary. I finished up cooking her fries and brought it out to her. She tried to hurry and dry her tears her voice cracked as she whispered "thank you"

Kalen looked pissed as hell walking back into the house. I followed him. "What's wrong?" I asked him. He looked at me and laughed "nothing brah nothing"
She came in and looked at the both of us. We looked back confused because we heard this weird gargling noise. Blood dripped out her mouth down her lips as she whispered "kalen".

Our eyes grew wide he ran to catch her from falling. I was just stuck I wasn't sure what was happening to me I've seen people get shot and hurt before but this felt different. "Call 911" kalen cried. I snatched the keys off the counter. I picked her up and laid her in the back seat of the car. Kalen hopped in the passenger. We brought her to the closest hospital.

"She's fine . We removed the bullet it hit no major organs. You may see her in a moment. We want her to get settled first." The doctor said. I nodded. Kalen was a mess. He just stared forward tears slipping out his eyes. Constantly bouncing his leg.

"Bro we gon get whoever did this okay." I whispered. He got up and headed Back towards her room. I went to venting machine and got us some water. He was curled up in the bed with her holding onto his arm while he played in her hair. I just sat in the doorway. My phone alarm went off letting me know it's time to go make a drop. Kalen glanced up at me i nodded. He kissed her forehead. "We'll be right back" I said she just kept her head down.

Derrick POV

"Chooo it's done" I yelled walking into Aaliyah's house plopping on the couch. Aaliyah came down stairs with her hood up hiding her face. "That's exactly what that bitch gets" she laughed pulling her hood back. I shook my head looking at her face. Maliya fucked her up good. She had stitches going down the middle of her forehead lips swollen and busted, Eyelids so fat that she could barely see. "Tell me how it was" she asked wincing in pain as she tried to smile.

"Ight soo boom here's what happened it took me a min to find out where she was ,but I heard she was on the south side. I pull up she's sitting on the porch. I went up and started talking to her saying oh I'm sorry for what happened the moment she looked away I shot her in the stomach. I would've shot her a few more time but the amount of blood that instantly poured out of her mouth there's no way in hell she survived. She started to call them niggas Kalen & Jeremih. I had to breeze" I laughing thinking about how lost she looked on her face. Aaliyah smiles clapping her hands "didn't think you had it in you" she said. "Don't sleep on the kid" I said smacking my chest.

She turned the tv to News at Noon. We waited anxiously waiting for them to talk about the fatal shooting of Maliya Cahill. Instead it talked about Maliya Cahill was shot at 11am this morning. She is now in stable condition at Promise Hospital anyone has any information on the shooting is urged to come forward. Aaliyah glared at me "DoN'T sLeeP oN thE kID huh?" She said rolling her neck.
"Bitch shut the fuck up before I beat ya ass next" I snapped. I started putting my shoes back on. I fucked up she saw my face. If she doesn't tell the cops by telling Kalen I'll have a bounty on head. "Time to finish the job" I mumbled under my breath.

Maliya POV
I felt sore as hell. The nurse brought a tray of fluffy mashed potatoes I looked and shook my head. "Try to eat something please child you need to" she whispered rubbing my back. I jumped at her touch. Today taught me I can't trust anyone. I told Derrick everything and for him to try to kill me over Aaliyah is some bullshit.

"Maliya" I heard a deep voice behind me. I turned and saw Brandon. He climbed into the bed with me. Rubbing the bandage on my stomach. "Want to tell me what happened was It them niggas on the porch?" He asked getting mad. "No" I mumbled fighting tears. "I'm waiting tell me what happened" he said helping me sit up. "It was my bestfriend. I thought he was coming to check on me. Yesterday morning before I went to odyssey I got into a fight. Long story short I beat up his girl or his ex I don't know. He got mad asking how could I do that to him. He called me all types of names threatening to expose me for all that I told him about my past how my mom was treating me everything. I told him I don't give a fuck anymore. I turned to walk away he called me back and shot that's the last thing I remember. It's like I went on autopilot." I cried. "What's his name" he says gritting his teeth. "Derrick Geaux" I whispered. He took out his phone and started texting. 
"Brandon,Brandon, Yo, Bibby" I yelled because he was ignoring me. "Listen okay someone coming with some clothes. You can't stay here if you saw him he coming back it's all over the news what happened." He said holding my face between his hands. I called kalen 4 Times I got dressed an followed Brandon out into the employee's stairwell. "Are you taking me home?" I asked struggling to keep up. My stomach started to get sharp shooting pains. I sat on a step trying to ease the pain. "Where are you taking me am I going home?" I said out of breath. "You can't go home that's where he shot you at" he said rolling his eyes. He saw me clutching my stomach picked me up and carried me to his car.

When we got to Brandon's apartment again I text Jeremih.

Text convo
Maliya: I know who shot me..... please don't tell kalen I want to talk to him first. I don't want the person being killed I need answers to why he did it before anything. I know I may sound crazy but is something I need.
Jeremih:Tell me his name.
Maliya:when I'm better and time is right.
Jeremih:then I guess I'm telling kalen rn.
Maliya: you fucking opp it's Derrick Geaux
Jeremih: you don't understand niggas came to my house an violated. I needed his name no one going to disrespect my shit like that. They DEFINITELY not about to disrespect you like that. What the fuck do I look like. You think I'm pussy or something.
Maliya: 😳😳you are pussy & they definitely not gonna disrespect me like that. Aweeee you do care about meee 😍😍 I knew it. You couldn't resist the milk chocolate.
Jeremih:🙄🙄. I don't know about all that but I love ya looks and ya vibe. Yet you out here with that nigga I bet you with him now huh because you not at the hospital that we all know.
Maliya:byeeeee 🤘🏽
End of text convo
I kinda felt Jeremih started to have a crush the moment he made a big deal about me staying out all night I knew it was coming from kalen but from Jeremih completely unexpected.

Not Broken Just Unfinished Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon