9. "It's Serious."

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Jules, Kent and I often met for studying now — almost everyday. Jules turned red every time Kent made a funny comment. Observing Kent, I felt like he liked Jules too. But both of them were too shy to admit it to each other. These two love-birds would look so cute together! I was positive that one day, they'd make a great couple.



I was sleeping peacefully when my phone started ringing. I picked it up.

"Ugh, What?"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY babe!!!" Jules sang.

"Oh god! Somebody save my ears!"

"Oh, come on. I wasn't that loud."

"Yes, you were. Anyway, we're going to meet at school. Was it absolutely necessary for you to call me and disturb my sweet sleep at this petty hour?"

"Yep! I wanted to be the first one to wish you. Now come on, don't be a bitch about it."

I smiled to myself.

"Thanks, Jules."

"Love ya!"

I giggled.

After hanging up, I went up to my bathroom, took a shower and brushed my teeth. I put on a white dress with a beautiful floral design. I felt good.

As usual, Jules picked me up for school. The whole ride consisted of Jules singing 'Happy Birthday' and me trying to stop her from crashing the car into the electricity poles.

In the school hallway, I saw Peter.

"Hi!" I said.


"What's up?"

"Nothing much. Listen, I'm getting late. I have a class to attend. Talk to you later."

"Sure..." I said.

My smile went aghast. He didn't even remember my birthday. I mean, I know that it shouldn't have mattered that much, but it did. It hurt a bit.

"What happened?" Jules asked, slinging her arm around my shoulders.

"Nothing." I said, putting on a fake smile.

The whole day was weird. Peter didn't wish me. Neither did Kent and Kevin. I almost felt like crying.

Though Jules never missed a chance to crack a joke and make me smile, I was feeling down.

I went home, did my homework and was watching Netflix when suddenly, I got a call. It was from Jules. I picked it up.

"Hey, what's up?"


Katherine? Jules never called me by my full name. She'd always call me Kat. This tensed me up.

"Jules, what happened?"

"Kent called. He said that he and Kevin were hanging out at Peter's house..."


"P...Peter slipped down the stairs. He's hurt. It's bad."

Hearing this, my eyes started filling up midway. Could this day get any worse?


"Y...yeah. How b...bad is it?" I stammered.

"It's serious."

I couldn't say anything.

"Kat, he's in the hospital. I'm coming to pick you up. We'll go together."


As soon as I hung up, tears started rolling down my cheeks. I knew that Peter and I hadn't been friends for that long, but we had grown close. What if something happened to him? I couldn't bring myself to think of the consequences.

I dragged my feet downstairs. I was still wearing the same white dress and my hair was in a bun.

I heard a car outside the house and I dashed out of the door. Sitting in the car, I looked at Jules.

"It is going to be okay." she said, caressing my shoulder.

I nodded in silence.

"Do you want some water?" she asked, offering a bottle.

"No, I'm fine."

We reached the hospital in about 15 minutes. I didn't notice anything unusual up to that point, except one. The place that we were standing in front of, wasn't a hospital...

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