Chapter eight - Welcome To The Big Boys Club

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"I've been dreaming 'bout us
Working hard and saving it up"

~George Ezra "Hold My Girl"

Bella and Jacob had their faces  inches apart, both fixed with determination. "You look scared." Jacob observed with raised eyebrows.

"I'm not." Bella insisted, her eyes narrowing in attempt to prove her point, but she was lying. Bella Swan was petrified. Her only reason of doing this was to see Edward.

Jacob held tightly onto the motorbike in hopes of keeping Bella from tipping off it whilst Bella straddled the seat, clearly getting more and more nervous for the upcoming events with every second. The nose of the bike was pointed down a wide dirt road that Jacob had deemed perfect for practice riding.

With that, Jacob decided to run through the mechanics of the bike again. "Brake?" He questioned her, she tapped the brake proudly. "Clutch?" Jacob tested with raised eyebrows as he watched her squeeze the clutch. She gave him a nervous glance, hoping she got it correct. "Right. Gas?" Jacob continued, giving her a small smile of praise as she gripped it.

A large grin adorned the sixteen year olds face before he suddenly announced, "Slowly.. release the clutch." He informed her, making his words as clear as he possibly could. She listened to him and the bike jolted forwards an inch, causing Jacob to pounce backwards as Bella jolted yet another inch forwards.

Suddenly, Bella heard a voice, a phantom voice with no body, "stop." Edward ordered, the sincerity in his tone causing Bella to tense her entire body.

She turned her head slowly and glanced behind her, catching sight of a ghostly figure - and apparition of Edward Cullen, her mind reading, vampire ex boyfriend. The ex boyfriend she still loved, despite everything.

She let the shock of seeing him overwhelm her and she lost control of the motorbike's weight, causing it to drop onto her and knock her to the floor.

"You ok? Bruises? Breaks?" Jacob asked, bouncing over with his face plastered in worry to help Bella lift the so called 'death trap' off her legs so she could stand again.

Bella shot him a reassuring look, "I'm going again." She stated, the defiance clear in her voice. Hesitantly, Jacob backed away slightly to allow her to try again.

However, he did still protest, "I'm not sure that's a good idea.." he tried, but to no avail. Almost without a clumsy related incident, Bella hopped back to her feet and straddled the bike once more. Jacob but back an annoyed sigh, "Guess we're going again then. Now what are you going to do with the clutch?" He quizzed, raising his eyebrows to tell her that if she got the wrong answer, the she would no longer have permission to ride the motorbike.

Taking a deep and calming breath, Bella replied with; "release it slowly." She claimed.

With a hesitant nod, Jacob kick started the bike once more and watched her shoot off much better than she had moments ago.

As Bella flew down the dirt road, she saw something appear close by in wisps of a smoke like substance. Edward. And he was glowering at her. She sped up, and this time Edward appeared on her left, his face darkening in anger at Bella's defiance.

This continues on for a couple more times - each time picking up more speed. Before, Edward's apparition appeared In front  of her, blocking her view forwards. However, she did not let this deter her as she gathered more speed and shot through it, her eyes widening at the sight on the other side of the smoke person: a turn.

"I don't! How do I turn?" She screamed, loud enough for Jacob to pick up, causing the boy to jump onto his own bike and accelerate towards her, screaming instructions that didn't quite hit her ears.

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