6th Page: The Black Bulls

Start from the beginning

"I need to take the best path to become the Wizard King..." The raven haired boy thought as he looked up, his eyes intent on one Captain.

"Please allow me to join the Golden Dawn." He spoke, though he said it normally, the words resounded through the Arena. A commoner...joining a Squad that had only ever had Nobles and royalty? It was unheard of, until now.

Slowly, people began to become amazed as William smirked slightly, nodding his head as the Captains around him lowered their hands.

"Can't be helped. Being top dog really does have its perks." Yami spoke, in truth he wasn't really interested in the raven haired boy, rather he had his gaze set on another person.

"Oh, looks like the dark horse is up." Finral commented as he saw Asta begin to approach the center of the arena. Yami slightly perked up in interest when he heard this.

"C'mon anyone! Any Squad! Just raise your hand! I can't let Yuno get ahead of me here!" Asta thought as he clenched his fists. He couldn't let Yuno get the advantage here. If he did, he'd never gain the chance to catch up again.

"Number #165..." The announcer began, however, the crowd didn't react, nor did any of the Captains raise their hands. Seeing this, (Y/N) began to worry as time slowly passes, yet no one raised their hand.

"...no offers." The announcer finished, Asta's eyes widening in shock.

"N-no way..." Asta had really been unwanted. No Captain raised their hand, and this had left Asta heartbroken. (Y/N) looked at the Captains, a fury in his eyes, however he was stopped when he felt a tug on his sleeve, seeing Alice shake her head, though even he could see the sadness in her eyes.

"Tch." The boy said angrily, but he didn't move towards Asta. Really, that was the best decision. Should he move to help Asta, he would only give people a reason to belittle Asta further.

"Go on, scram! I'm up next!" A voice yelled from the crowd, but Asta didn't pay it any attention.

"Not yet...I'm not done yet!" Asta couldn't give up here, if he did, he'd be forsaking everything he stood for. His challenge with the others to race to become the Wizard King, his promise to the kids at the Church...and his promise to Sister Lily. He just couldn't give up here!

"You're a disgrace!" The mages around Asta began to taunt, only a select few withholding from taunting. Asta slowly began to shake, his fists clenched in frustration. He'd gotten this far, just to fail at the Entrance Exam?!

"No...I...I'm..." Asta slowly began to speak, his situation beginning to settle in. However, before he could delve deeper into hopelessness, and before (Y/N) went on a rampage, a voice spoke up.

"Well, that's no surprise." A voice spoke from the Magic Captains' location, drawing various eyes towards it.

"Yami?" Finral seemed shocked, it was unlike Yami to get himself into interacting with the newcomers.

"No matter how high your combat skills are, no one wants to touch a power that mysterious. People aren't fond of the unknown." Yami spoke, standing in front of his chair.

"It boils down to this: what the Magic Captains are looking for is Magic Power." Suddenly, an intense aura covered the entire Colosseum, a purple colored aura surrounding Yami as some people began to find it hard to just breathe. This power...it's immense!

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