Chapter 15

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With everything that has been going on I just have immersed myself into work. Effectively neglecting the wedding plans. I haven’t talked to anyone or even thought about it. I mean how can I? Its been five months since Myk was shot and I just haven’t been able to function properly. I know that should give me even more reason to get the plans done and say ‘I do’ but its feels crazy to have my happily ever after when my sister is going through so much at present. 

Knock knock knock. The sound of banging at Marshall’s office doors pulls me from my thoughts and paper work. “Come in” I yell out. The door opens and in runs my favorite niece. “Asia!” I swivel the chair in her direction scooping her in my arms as she jumps at me. “Oh my gosh Brooklyn honey it feels like forever since I saw you last baby girl.” My arms squeeze her just a little too tight. “Aunty to tight.” Brook breathes out. “Huh? What? I didn’t hear that. Say that again.” I say feigning loss of hearing. Which causes Brook to laugh out loud. 

“Woman let her go she cant breath.” At the sound of my sister’s voice I set Brook on her feet. Those little feet of hers didn’t waste time and she fled from the room. “Well well well, look what the cat dragged in.” She burst out laughing as I stood to greet her. We move to each other for an embrace. As we pull back I can feel Mykaela still laughing at my statement. “You know Asia I haven’t heard that since the last time Aunt CoCo came home from one of her “vacations” and surprised Momma.” The memory causes me to let out a laugh.

Finally calming down we both sit down on the couch across from the desk. “So little sister what brings you here?” I ask hesitantly. Something tells me she didn’t just come here for a random visit. “Well I got phone calls from some worried people.” My brows rose in shock. Just how many people called her? “I can read you like a book. Well first it was your hubby to be, then all of your step-daughters to be, your best friend, your brother in law to be, oh and -” My hands went up in surrender. “Okay okay I get it. Everyone called you. My question is what did they say. I think I may know but I want to hear it from you.”

Myk takes a deep breath and rests her back on the couch. “Weddings plans just stopped after I got shot. Asia, that was too damn long ago. You better not be feeling guilty either.” She waggles her finger at me at the end of her statement. I let my body relax into the cushions of the couch. “I am sort of.” I see Myk about say something but I keep talking. “I don’t blame myself for what happened to you. I just cant help but to think like d*mn I’m sitting over here in what I feel to be my happily ever after and sh*t keeps happening to you.” I close my eyes for a moment trying to fight off the tears when all of a sudden Myk chuckles.

Peaking out of my left eye I watch her with this smile on her face staring at me. Finally curiosity gets the best of me. I open both eyes and look back at her. “What’s funny?” She sighs but her smile never falters. “Well think about it. Back in college, even after college, I was in what I thought to be my happily ever after and you were kind of unhappy. Seems we cant be happy at the same time. Well, not to your knowledge anyway.” Myk then turns and faces the front not elaborating further then that. 

I sat there for a moment waiting for her to say something else but she wouldn’t. Just as I was about ask a deep voice scares me. “You guys okay?” I whipped around to face the door, which is behind me, to see Nathan standing there. “Dude, you scared me!” I huffed in annoyance and laid my hand on chest. My heart felt like it wanted out of my chest. “Sorry, it got extremely quiet in here. We were wondering if you guys were okay.” Just as Nate was about to leave the office phone starts to ring. 

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