Chapter 3 (revised)

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Picture on the side is of Marnie.


I absolutely can not believe that Asia has a long lost sister. Although after hearing the story from Aunt CoCo I’m not surprised that Paul has another kid out there. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are more. It wasn’t long for Asia to get the DNA test that proved that they are in fact sisters. Unfortunately, Evelyn had no idea where Paul was. Apparently, Evelyn’s mother had given her up to her Aunt. Life had not been the greatest for her growing up.

Of course Asia being the person she is took care of her even before the results came in. Set her up in a condo near the studio so she wouldn’t have to go to far. They had been spending all their spare time talking on the phone kind of leaving me out. Which let me tell you I am grateful for. Brooklyn takes up half my time and Curtis takes up the other half. 

Juggling the family life is somewhat of a challenge but I met it head on. Its not as if Curtis isn’t here for me but he does work a lot. Especially lately, he has been shooting videos for the last album he released. Which should have come out a long time ago. He is finishing up the next to last one today and we are set to start filming Never Land next week.

“Hey babe, you okay?” I look up to see Curtis standing in the entry to the living room. “Yeah just thinking about stuff.” Seeing him brings his surprise party to the front of my mind. I have been working with all the guys to put together the best birthday party for him. The guest list is completely out of control at this point. So the venue has been really hard to get down. “Thinking? About what exactly?” I can see the wheels in his mind going. “How you still haven’t given me a kiss yet.” I smiled warmly at him causing him to chuckle out loud. He knows something alright. I can see it in his eyes.


I didn’t have to be told twice to kiss my wife. I moved quickly basically jogging over to where she is sitting on the couch. I know something is going on with her although she hasn’t said a thing. Could she be pregnant again? That thought has been running rapid in my head for weeks now.

I lean down and kiss those addictive lips of hers. I still haven’t been able to get enough of her. As soon as she sighed I knew I had to pull back. Which made her groan at the lost of contact. “Where’s my Princess?” A smile lit up her face at my question. “Nursery.” Was all she said to have me rushing down the hall to see my baby girl.

Once I reach the door I slowly open it and step in. I can hear the sounds of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star playing from the mobile. Basically tip toeing over to her crib I look down at her. An Angel. That is the only way to explain it. My little girl is truly an angel.

After watching my Princess sleep for a while I head into the room. I had been up since early this morning and its creeping up on one a.m. I’m just about done with my nightly routine when my cell signals I have a message. By this point Myk has made it to the bed and is sleeping. I’ve made sure the doors and windows are all locked. I know what your thinking you live in New York but I don’t care. I takes no chances when it comes to my family.

Picking up the phone from my night stand I open the message from an unknown number. Not to many people have my number if I don’t already have theirs. Which is why I cant imagine who this could be. The time is coming. That was all it said. What the hell did that mean? I sent a quick text to Dean to check up on the unknown number. I have a sinking feeling about this. I don’t know what is to come but I don’t think it will be good. Putting the thoughts out of my head I laid down next to Mykaela and fell asleep instantly. 

Myk’s P.O.V.

Time flies when you’re having fun.

Kids grow so fast you blink and they are already grown.

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