Chapter 7

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“I’m standing outside of what appears to be an abandoned building in New York City. Last night it was the venue for a gathering. Rapper 50 Cent reportedly celebrated his birthday in this same building last night. According to an eyewitness the rappers wife, Mykaela Jackson, assaulted a party crasher. The police had to be called. The witness states “she was completely out of control, borderline hysteria. She was so far out of control that no one tried to stop her.” Mrs. Jackson has not been arrested as of yet. We contacted the police department and received no comment. We will keep you informed about this developing story. This is Robert Moses reporting live in New York City back to you in the studio.”

Curtis’ P.O.V.

Shit! Man I hate Fox News! I try to keep away from channel 5. If it wasn’t for Jay calling me about it I would have never turned it on. Someone had to have called that in. Police? Jaeson? The Traitor? I seriously can not think of a single person that would do something like this. Betrayal? It just aint right. One of my boys do me like this cant be, could it? 

I cant think about this right now. I’m about to walk on to the set of The Today’s Show and I need a clear head. Although, I’m sure they are going to ask me about it now. I push out of my mind as I take another look at my self in the mirror. Once I’m satisfied I follow the P.A. to the set.

I’m situated right across from Natalie. One of my favorite news casters here. It doesn’t hurt that she’s a good looking woman either. Before I know it we are being counted down. When the red light comes on Natalie is professional mode. “We are back with rapper 50 Cent. Good morning! How are you?” There is no hesitation in my smirk. “Good morning to you too. I’m just fine how about yourself?” She smiles at me. “Not to bad, not to bad. Thanks for asking.” I just nod my head at her comment. “Well lets just dive right into it.”

For a little while we discuss some of the businesses I’m involved in putting a spot light on boxing. “It has been a long time coming but my fighter is finally getting in the ring with one of Goodman’s fighters. We haven’t put down an exact date or venue but we have a meeting later this week to get that straight.” She nods and I can tell by the look in her eyes that a Mykaela question is coming. 

“So you have been married for about two years now, right?” I only nod in response. “Recently there have been accusations of cheating with numerous of people from your circle. How are you dealing with that?” I sigh deeply before I answer. “Man that damn near crippled my marriage. I went right to being stupid. I wont lie it was rough. My Grandma helped me pull my head from my ass. It was then I saw what was really going on.” 

I turn to the camera. “As a matter of fact right now I want to apologize to my wife for being stupid and believing that bullshit. I’m sorry baby and I love you.” I roll my attention back to Natalie who is now giving a ‘aaww that’s so sweet’ face. “So everything is back to normal?” I shook my head. “Not at all. She’s not pressuring me but I feel like I will never be able to make up for this. She was being a great wife by throwing me a birthday party and someone tried to make it something its not.”

“Happy Birthday by the way.” I smile and express my thanks verbally. “Speaking of your birthday, just before you came out a story broke about your lovely wife, Mykaela. I have to say I don’t believe a word of it but will you shine some light on the situation.” I take a breath before I respond. “I knew you were going to ask me about this.” We both chuckle a little then I respond. 

“I hate to speak on this situation but I will. At my birthday party someone who was not invited shows up. The individual in question had attempted to kidnap my wife, well girlfriend at the time, and God knows what he would have done had he been successful. I don’t know how someone in her position would have reacted but I think she handled it just fine.” 

Natalie’s mouth drops open in shock. “I remember that story. He was her ex-brother-in-law, right?” I slowly nod my head confirmation. “Wow, just wow. There are no words for that. I hope everything works out for you guys and thanks for coming.” I slipped her a big smile. “Thanks for having me.” Natalie smiles at me and turns to the camera. “Now for a check on the weather. Over to you Al.”

Once the camera’s are off Natalie turns to me. “Sorry about that the producer was in my ear shouting for me to bring it up.” I understand how these things work so I try to never get upset. “Its fine.” I check my watch. “I have to go. Meeting the family for lunch.” We stood and embraced quickly then I was gone.


Me and Brooklyn sat in the back of the limo, with Dean, waiting for Curtis to come out. Today we are going to visit the Jackson family to celebrate his birthday. He was suppose to pick us up after his interview but I decided to surprise him. 

I saw the door to the building swing open and seconds later he emerged. Something on his phone had him preoccupied. Wonder what it could be. Finally he reached the car and the chauffer opened the door for him. He didn’t even look up from his phone when he got in the car. It isn’t until Brook speaks that he looks up. “Daddy!” Total shock crossed his features briefly before a smile settles. Brook slides of the seat and crawls over to her Daddy. “Hey baby girl. What a nice surprise. I thought I was picking you guys up.” He finished looking up at me with the smile still present.

A smile lights up my face when our eyes connect. “Thought you might like this instead.” He nods his head in approval then moves to sit next to me. I push my body against his side, he throws an arm around my shoulders, both of relaxing on the ride to Grandma’s house.

Curtis’ family is no where near as big as mine but he has quite a few more uncles and aunts than me. We pull up to the house and there are plenty of people hanging around outside. Its mostly the males though. Dean steps out first causally looking around checking the vicinity. He motions for us to get out when he deems everything is clear. 

We step out of the car and immediately the entire family engulfs us in hugs. Brooklyn is passed from person to person right into the house. By the time I have made it into the house she has made it to Grandma. “Hey everyone” I greet once I’m in the living room. A round of greetings are sent me and Curtis’ way. 

The Bar-B-Que went off without any problems. Only one heated discussion happened and that was everyone arguing over how stupid Curtis was for believing the cheating story. I have to admit that I laughed through out the entire thing. If you were an outsider looking in you would swear his family loved me more than him. Which he did shout out to everyone. 

Once we made it home I wished we hadn’t. Paparazzi had basically set up camp outside our building. “Who are they after now?” I asked to no one in particular. Dean had the driver to take us to the back of the building. Luckily we were able to get in and upstairs without anyone realizing. What the hell is going on now? I had a feeling that Curtis and Dean knew the answer cause both had become even more silent than before.

Curtis carried Brook to her room. She had fallen asleep on the way home. “What aren’t you telling me, Curtis?” I ask as he laid Brook in her crib. I can see his shoulders sag as if he sighed then he turned to me. He walks over to me and pulls me from the room. 

Once we are in our own room he shuts the door. “The news has gotten a hold of the story at my party. They are making you out to be the villain. Before I got into the limo I was emailing my lawyer. I’m not sure you but we might need him. I don’t think this is going to turn out good.”

Truer words have never been spoken. The next morning the police were at the front door. With an arrest warrant for me. Seriously, what the hell is going on?

If It's Meant To Be....(unedited)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant