Chapter 10

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The time has come for me to put my plan into action. “Asia, wake up.” I whisper in her ear. Trying to wake her up. This way is always hard but I cant start something I don’t intend to finish. “Asia, wake up.” I say a little louder. This time her eyes open but she isn’t looking at me. I turn the side lamp on so she will focus on me. “Babe?” Finally she looks up at me. I can see her eyes taking in the fact that I am completely dressed. “Marshall, what’s wrong?” She sits up in bed and her eyes land on my packed bag at the end of the bed.  “Where are you going?” She asks confusion playing on her features. 

I sigh, before I answer, bringing her attention back to me. “I have to go back home, Asia.” Her furrow brow, deepens. “Why?” She whispers. I take a breath to brace myself for the lie I’m about to tell. “Someone broke into the studio in Detroit. Its pretty bad and since I’m the only one that really uses it I have to go back and handle it. Nathan is going with me so don’t worry. I’m sorry baby. I will go get this down as soon as possible and meet you guys in Australia.” 

It takes a moment before she concedes. “Alright babe. Call me when you land please and be safe.” I lean down and kiss her forehead. “Of course.” I whisper against her warm skin. She proceeds to get out of the bed. I place my arm on her shoulder and shake my head. “No, go back to sleep.” Grabbing  my bag I quickly walk to the open door and close it behind me as I walk out. 

I stood there a moment just listening. I had to be sure she wouldn’t follow me any way. Which she has done before. A minute later I hear her typing away on her computer. Satisfied she isn’t following I head down the stairs. 


Nathan and I are standing at the bottom of the stairs waiting for Em to come down. We had to come up with some reasons as to why he would be gone for the rest of the day. Honestly he isn’t even leaving the island. I hear the footsteps before I see him. “How’d she take it?” I ask before he reaches the bottom. “Disappointed. She’ll be alright.” He said moving quicker to the door. Once we reach the door we slap hands and pat the others back. “Later.” We say in unison as we release each other. Em and Nathan walk to the car and I shut the door and lock it. 

I head back to bed where I left Mykaela and Brooklyn sleeping. Luckily they didn’t wake when I got out of bed. Its not that Mykaela isn’t in on whats happening she just don’t know that its happening tonight. I cant wait to see the look on both her and Asia’s face. This is a good plan. I think that was my last thought had before I fell back to sleep.


This place is beyond beautiful but not as much when Marshall’s not here with me. He hasn’t called me which doesn’t mean anything. He hasn’t been gone too long. By the time lunch rolls around he should be calling. At the moment Mykaela and I are finishing up breakfast while everyone else gets dressed. “Breakfast is ready.” I call through out the house. Choruses of ‘coming’ are echoed through the halls. Minutes later they trickle into the kitchen and out to the patio. 

Since we arrived, every single meal has been eaten poolside. Sometimes I cant believe that it took so long to come here. It is every single thing that Grandma said it would be and more. Every person should have a chance to visit here at least once in their life. Today is the last full day on the island. It has been quite the experience let me tell you. Every single story that Grandma ever told us was told on this trip. We visited all of her favorite areas and even duplicated some of her photos. All in all this trip has been the greatest I have ever taken. 

If It's Meant To Be....(unedited)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora