Chapter 13: Part II. On our way to a better place

Start from the beginning

Aerum sighed taking a quick turn to the right that led to town. "Is none of our business."

"It is our business because we helped him escape. We are involved now."

"Why do you care so much." my bitchy attitude came back alive on the defensive. JangMi turned her whole body to face me and I could see tears gathering at the edge of her eyes "because I don't want you to end up all alone like us Kihyun!"

I unconsciously glared at those words, even dared to roll my eyes after hearing them. "I have Changkyun and he has me. We are not alone. We have each other and that's enough."

JangMi scoffed turning away from me. Aerum drove silently with her lips sealed shut while the little girl fumed next to her because I was supposedly making a huge mistake which I was not.

She's just a naive kid.

She still believes that love is all pink and butterflies but it's not. Not all mates love each other forever as they should, mates can love sure, but they can also cheat, abuse and kill the person they love.

I love Hyunwoo a lot but not enough to choose him over my freedom.

Ever since Changkyun came to the pack I was craving for an adventure. You know? To roam around and just travel to other places and meet other wolves.

I wanted to run away because my time was running out with Hyunwoo. He wanted to mate and I was scared that he would find out I was an omega.... so I was thinking of a getaway back then... never thought I would end up eloping with the pack's Luna.

The bumpy road was really making me sick, my stomach was churning and my throat tastes weird with all the dried up blood. JangMi seemed to notice and asked her sister to pull over at a convenience store.

"We need to buy painkillers, more gauze, and snacks for us to eat." said the Kid unbuckling her seatbelt to grab her light green backpack. "Be right back sis and Kihyun."

We watched the brat go and Aerum unbuckled herself to turn her body towards me. Her amber eyes glowed with excitement when she met my boring ones. She was very grateful that I was still alive and not hurting much anymore.

"Hmm, maybe I can sew you up before JangMi comes back with the gauze."

I stared "Okay. Thanks." came my dry reply with no real emotion at all.

Aerum slowly nodded her head using one of her hands to brush a dark strand of hair with blue highlights away from her eyes, her very bright yellow eyes that were ... enticing?

"Forgive JangMi," said Aerum waking me up from the thoughts I was having of the female omega's eyes "she means well, she's just worried about you."

"Worried that what I did is a mistake?"

"She's had a tough life. No parents and no home. She was a lost rogue when I found her running away from people that wanted to sell her off. I adopted her and I brought her to the human territory to survive and have a pleasant life."

"You were a rogue too?"

"Yeah, but I ran away from my pack."


"We didn't have good parents or friends that could understand us, we didn't fit in anywhere and it was pretty lonely, still is. Sometimes we wish we belonged to a pack, to a family we could depend on." she smiled softly checking my wounds, gathering a few things to clean them before JangMi returned with the new gauze.

"But I understand you Kihyun, you want something more and you are allowed to want it. I believe you should always do what makes you happy because it's your own happiness that matters most. Your happiness seems to be about freedom, to be what you want to be and I think that's cool. Be happy!" she chirped and I just laughed causing my insides to hurt so my laugh sounded more like a cry than a laugh...

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