"So," Draco says

"So," i reply. Ginny awkwardly stands in the background, not moving a muscle.

"Your had your first dream about me?" he can't help but smile. his teeth shine and its only 6 in the morning. this is when i finally realize he isn't wearing a shirt. his abs stare it me as if they have eyes. he looks so good shirtless. 'wow'

"wow what?" he giggles looking down at me. did i really just say that out loud? i stop looking down at his chest and look up his gorgeous face. his blonde hair was messy which made me tingle.

"Wow nothing just.. uh... your um," i say. i feel someones arm yank me from behind.

"Ok we are going now, the boys will start getting suspicious if we are not back for breakfast." It was Ginny. she was pulling me away and out the hall. i stretched my spare arm out in reach for Draco.

"Goodbye, see you soon." i say and he blows me a little kiss. i feel my cheeks getting warm as i started blushing.


Harry's P.O.V

"WHERE ARE THEY!?" ron screams pacing the room again. we had been in Ginny and Hermione's room but they had gone. "they must have snuck out and died because why else would the invisibility cloke be gone?" he chokes. his face his red as fire and his hands were clenched in tight fists.

"they will come back. plus i didn't even think you cared about Hermione after what you did."
"I DON'T!" he quickly spits angrily. "I just think it's weird that Malfoy is evil one year and then 'super sweet' the next. it makes no sense!"

"well you were nice last year and now," i mumble. he turns around and glares at me. he must have heard. his eyes were so cold i thought i was getting frost bite by just looking at him. just as he turns around the girls burst through the painting. Hermione is blushing and Ginny is tugging her arm.

"you are so smitten!" Ginny adds quietly to Hermione as they approach us. "hey guys."

"Hey Ginny, Hermione" i say giving them both a hug. Ron sits down the the sofa and ignores the whole thing. "where were you guys?"

"we went for... a walk." Hermione says tugging on Ginny's arm. Ginny nods her head and then turns to Hermione and smiles. what was all that about?

"Ok... well we are about to go for breakfast, you wanna come?"

"can we just get dressed first and then we can go."

"why didn't you get dressed for a walk?"

"Uuuuuuhhhhh.....?" hey both stutter, looking at each other in disbelief

"i was sleepwalking!" Hermione adds

"YES sleepwalking. and i went to find her." Ginny confirms.

"yeah she went to find me." they both smile and nod there heads. i knew the story wasn't true but by their obvious earge to keep the real reason from us i didn't bring it up again. "Can we just go get dressed?" Hermione says and starts walking towards the staircase.

"Uuh... yeah?" i say. As the girls past Ron, Hermione shivered. My eyebrows furrowed as they giggled up the stairs. they were up to something, i just didn't know what.


when we got to the great hall, everyone avoided Ron. they had been for weeks but today it seemed so much more then just dodging him in the halls. they would speedily run past him and go out there way to avoid even being within a few feet of him. After swishing past Ron, they would walk up to Hermione and apologize for, well I'm not really sure what for. We sat down at the table and everyone looked over at us. the Gryffindor hour boy wandered up to the 4 of us and smiled.

"Congrats Hermione, you got top of the year in our Potions test!" he shook her hand but just as he went to walk off Hermione spoke.

"thanks... HEY. who got second in the year?" she said. The head boy looked at her confused, as was i. why would she want to know?

"They weren't in Gryffindor," he started,

"Yeah but who was it?" she interrupts. the news that they weren't in Gryffindor seemed to please her very much. Ginny looks up at her and smiles. Have i missed something.

"It was, Draco Malfoy." he says and walks off before anymore questions could be asked. Hermione smiles and looks at Ginny who is grinning wildly as well. they both look at the Slytherien table with a to happy looking Malfoy eating a bowl of porridge. he looks up at us (more to Hermione then anyone else) and winks. she turned red hot and sits back down. Ronald rolls his eyes.

"god." he mumbles and storms out of the great hall, scaring at least 6 kids on the way.

"whats his problem?" Ginny says biting into her bread.

"i have no clue" i say.

thx for reading chapter 17. also we got over 400 views. I'm really addicted to beauty and the beast and the soundtrack at the moment. so im sorry i haven't been doing as much but i promise i will the future starting today!!!! Dramione stuff will happening next chapter.

Guilty pleasure // a Dramione storyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon