Chapter 10

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Hermione's P.O.V

the next few weeks flew by faster then i could say Quitich. Harry, Ron and Ginny had started their late night training for the upcoming games which left me alone in the library most nights. strangely, Lavender would be breathing down my neck saying how her and Ron were getting further apart.
"are you asking for advice?" i say spinning around. she had been following me around the library while i was placing books back on the shelf.
"i know that he hasn't been very nice to you recently,"
"really? you don't think?!" i sneer sarcastically,
"But you and Ron despised each other for so long and ended up together. how did you get past it?"
"who ever said we despised each other? we have always been friends!"
"don't have me laugh," she snorts. that's the second time I've heard her say that. the first time was when Ron admitted he liked me and not her (he was asleep). i gulp so hard that you could see the spit rolling down my throat. i really wanted Ron and I do be fine but as long as he remembers me and Draco's moment, he will see me as an enemy. Classes work got heavier and harder to control. We would only have hours to complete essays and submit them the same time as 4 other homework tasks. for the first time. I was worried about my learning. i went through 7 ink bottles in 3 days because of the amount of shit that i was doing.
"you could just, not write as much." Ginny brings up as she notices my hand writing getting messy.
"And risk not being top of the class! Do you even know me Ginny?"
"You could give Malfoy a chance to be top of the class." she jokes. it lightens the mood a lot.
"I wonder what he meant by he got a lot worse?"  i say taking my eyes off my work for the first time in a while. Ron and Harry walk into the common room where me and Ginny were sitting. as soon as Ron saw ,my red cheeks, he spun around and left us alone. He was still ignoring me, like  was gum stuck at the bottom of his shoe. just something he couldn't get rid of.

Ron's P.O.V

"what was that about" Harry says and we enter out dormitory. i throw all my shit off onto my bed and squat on the floor.
"oh no, your squatting!" harry says slowly sliding his knees down to match my level.
"So?" i spit. i knew i was being a little harsh but i couldn't control myself. my stomach acids felt like they were boiling like a kettle. they rose inside me as i felt i was going to barf.
"you only do that when your mad, so what was all that about?"
"SHE WAS BLUSHING! probably talking about that filthy rat Malfoy no doubt!"
"So what if she was. i am hating this as much as you but your being to harsh. you hurt her a lot and all she needs is you to be respectful again."
"She is the one in the wrong!"
"she wasn't ready! you cant change that. all you can do it wait."
"But why should i wait when i have other girls lining up to get with me? she specifically said that night that we were not together which was just opening the door for me to do whatever i want." harry bounced on the ground trying to keep balanced. taking his shaky hint, i stood up straight and watched follow. i was happy to have a friend like harry. even when i was a dick, he still stayed by me, reassuring me that if i calm down, everything will be ok. 

suddenly, a light bulb lit up in my head. i had an idea.
"i need to do something." i say storming out leaving harry all alone in the room. i shut the door behind me and speed walk down the stairs feeling inspired and ready for life. i walk past the girls ignoring there looks of confusion and embarrassment and leave the common room.

Hermione's P.O.V

the next day, Ron woke me and Ginny up by banging our door. i shot up and saw my bangs in the face. my bed hair was horrible!

"come on sleepy heads! wakey wakey!" the door smashed open and an extremely happy Ronald danced in the room followed by the tired Harry.
"STOP!" ginny scream half asleep throwing a pillow at Ronald. It mashes him in the face but he isn't effected. He yanks open the curtain and the light shines I to the dormitory. We all squint as our eyes try to adjust to the sudden light change.
"Whats up with him?" I whisper to Harry who was standing beside my bed.
"He woke up like this." He says looking my way.

The rest of the day was the same. An over happy Ronald being followed by an exhausted harry, Ginny and Hermione. Lavender hadn't been seen all day. She hadn't talked to Ron during breakfast and avoided us in the classes. Every class we had was a paired class with Slytherin. Our first lesson was defence against the dark arts. The new teacher was afraid of everything. Even though the curse of the defence against the dark arts teacher was broken, (not one would be able to last a year) he was scared of doing anything really dangerous. It was the first time I had seen Draco since the kiss. Lining up to walk into class he lightly shoved my shoulder.
"Hey granger!" He says. His smug face had come back but with a new rosey pink tone. My cheek get hot as I try to hold back the blushing of my cheeks. Draco notices and smiles at me. Not an evil smirk but a happy grin.

In class, we sat across the room from each other. Mouthing conversation trying to understand what on earth we were saying. His ears were pink as the chat got longer.
"What are you doing?" Ginny poked me in the side with her elbow. She had been watching me and Draco the whole time. Draco sees us talking and looks down at his work.
"What were you on about getting another det?" She said. SHE HAD BEEN READING OUR CONVERSATION!
"Hey, draco said that, not me!"
"Yeah yeah whatever go make out with your boyfriend." She jokes and I roll my eyes.

We get to our third lesson of the day, charms, another lesson with the Slytherins. We never learnt much in charms anymore, just revised and studied for test to do with what we had learnt, what was what it was like in most classes. Most breaks and lunches were spent in the library reading- or in my cases, re reading books or walking the halls to our next class. Professor Flitwick was reading us the script of a documentary on using charms in the correct ways. we took notes and went into groups to practice the charms. Malfoy watched me as I casted the Leviosa charm giggling when I myself messed up the words. I was to distracted, by him.
"It's so strange! You've had no signs of liking him and all of a sudden your blushing every time you look at him." Ginny says putting down her wand and letting the feather land on the table.
"It's all so new and a bit, alarming." I was still waving my wand in the air, eyes fixed in Draco who was practically doubled over laughing at me. My concentration had snapped a while ago and the feather lay on the floor at me feet, I was still waving my wand.
"our test will be next week!" professor Flitwick says finally closing the boring book that made us all want to sleep. i needed it after Ron's early morning surprise.
"Excuse me, Professor Flitwick," Draco raises his hand which instantly gets my attention. i had been brainstorming ways to see him alone again but had nada. "I am having trouble with my work."
"i actually needed to talk to you about that..." Professor Flitwick jumps down off his pile of books and waddles to Draco's bench. Bingo!

thanks for reading everyone. if you enjoyed please vote. also please leave comments of your predictions and other story ideas. whether you have other fan-fics or just regualr stories you want me to write. and we have gotten over 70 reads in a few days!!!! i am so thankful for all of you 💖

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