Chapter 24

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Draco's P.O.V

Hermione grappled my arm with her fingernails, like a cat clinging to a wall.

"Where are we going?" she asked. her eyes were covered as we walked out the huge door. the school really needed better security. her tears soaked my hands that covered her face.

"No where!" i say. she whimpers as the wet grass hits her legs. her grip got tighter and i felt her eyes squint and push out a small tear. Seeing her cry was the saddest thing. It stayed quiet between us as I tried to direct her through the dark deserted grounds. "Nearly there..." I stutter unsure. I knew where I wanted to go but getting there was the problem. She shivered as the wind blew in our faces.
"Are we almost there?" She mumbles, just in time. I stop in my path, scaring her a little. I uncovered her eyes with no response. I wasn't surprised, her eyes probably needed to adjust to the light. After a second or two, she grips me again in a hug. "You took me to our place?"

"Yeah!" I say wrapping my hands around her body too. Her voice cleared up as she wandered over to the rock and sat herself down. The moonlight peeking through the treetops shone on her and made her glow like angel. She was an angel in the day and/ or the night. "You are gorgeous! Did you know that?" I say. I wasn't really thinking but I knew what I was saying was true. She pulls her hair behind her ears and turns pink. A smile widens on her beautiful face.

"I never knew you could be so charming Draco Malfoy!" She says. My blood started rushing around my veins. She made me ache in the best way possible.

"I try," I joke. She giggles the way I love. Even when being broken down she was still so strong. Stupid Weasel. "Don't let what Weasel says hut you. He's just jealous." I say trying to comfort her. I kind of regret saying that after because her face fell after mentioning him.

"I know. But I can't help but feel bad!"

"You shouldn't! He is a bad person. But that just makes you such a good person because your willing to forgive and even empathize with him." I say. She smiles again. Thank god. I couldn't help but love the way she smiled. 

"This year hasn't been the best. But sitting here with you is one of the most amazing things." She says. We still had hold of each others hands as we looked through the grabs in the trees and up at the shining starts in the sky. 

"I never knew I could be happy until I met you, you know that?" I say. I kept my gaze on the sky while I see her head spin to look at mine, "I have spent my whole life just obeying everyone. Never getting my own voice. Even when I am here I feel these voices telling me what to do but now there is only one." 


"You. Every time I go to do something bad, your voice tells me not to. You keep me in line without even being there." she smiles wide and leans against my shoulder.

"Your amazing. And you're always with me too, you know." she says. I couldn't be happier then right now. I feel like that every time I am with her and especially here. 

Ooookkkk so I basically deleted everything from this chapter which is why it is so itty bitty now but its nearly a year after writing it and i decided that I didnt want to be going back and cringing at all the gross things I had written so i got rid of it all and basically yeah. Thanks for reading this chapter and i hope you are enjoying the story. its crazy how many people are reading it. Sorry this is so short I just didnt know what else to add to this part because pretty much every convo to have on this rock, they have had on this rock so they basically just watched the starts together. AWWW how cute. ok goodbye now 

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