Chapter 3

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Draco's P.O.V - "let's not go all the way tonight"

Pansy storms out of the room. Leaving me alone shirtless. I quickly sit up when I hear footsteps coming towards my dormitory.
"That was quick." Blaise said and bent down to pick up my shirt that had been tossed on the floor.
"We didn't do anything. She's in a mood." I roll my eyes and Blaise chuckles. He knew Pansy even more then I did. Which lead me to believe that something was going on because they never talk during the day.
"But isn't she always?"
"I guess. I don't know what's gotten into her. Last year she was just herself and now she's, an animal." I say. I couldn't think of an appropriate way to describe her. She was literally indescribable, but not in a good way.
"Maybe you bring out something in her?" Blaise says. He passes me my shirt but I just chucked it beside my bed. I wasn't tired but still my eyes fluttered and I yawned. Blaise looks at me with a surprised sort of smile.
"Not gonna do an all nighter?"
"Nah. And whatever it is, i need to stop." Blaise giggles and leaves the room, turning out the light on his way out the door. After Goyle's death in the fire, me and Blaise became super close. We tell each other pretty much everything and I'm pretty sure he's the only friend of mine that doesn't kiss my ass. I lay in bed and think about everything. Not anything in particular, just everything.

Hermione P.O.V - this wasn't what it was like last time.
His lips were stiff. Almost as if he didn't want to be kissing me, was repulsed. I pull away he he opens his eyes, concerned. Sadness pools in his eyes like a waterfall and I didn't know what to do. I quickly pull him in for a kiss, long and wet. He leans into me forcing me to lay down. I open my eyes and see his bright red face, hotter then a jalapeño. He struggles to unbutton his shirt but when he does he flings it to the floor. My heart beat faster and I sense his hand about to reach my shirt buttons before...
"Wait!" I shout into his mouth before pulling away. He was startled and stoped suddenly. He looks at me again with sadness, but I knew I would regret it if I gave in.
"What's wrong?" He pouts.
"I'm sorry Ron but I'm just not ready for this. It's not you it's me."
"Are you breaking up with me?" He says jumping back. His eyes were wide and his jaw was on the floor.
"How we aren't even together?" These words seemed to hurt him more. I shot up and embrace him in a warm hug. I liked these moments, I just wished they came more often. After what was probably about 15 minutes of silent hugging, Ron walked out of my dormitory seeming accepting of my feelings. Ginny walks in, looking at Ron who was still shirtless. Her eyes went as wide as his did.
"You didn't!" She says running up and hugging me. Maybe she just forgot that it was HER BROTHER.
"No!" I say pushing her off me. She flys back dramatically.
"I'm not ready for that kind of relationship." I sit on my bed and smile. She looked back in disbelief.
"And he was fine with that?" She said. She got up and moved from her bed to mine. She plonked herself I'm down next to me making the bed creak and we both giggle.
"Yeah why wouldn't he be?"
"Because the other day I over heard,"
"Were you evesdropping?" I interrupt. Ginny was kind of known in our friendship group for knowing things because of her lack of respect for privacy.
"Maybe... anyway I heard Ron telling Harry that him and you were close to doing 'it' and he was really excited." I was so taken back.
"I didn't know boys talked about that stuff!" I only thought girls did. But me and Ginny never did because we had never been close.
"Well I didn't either until Ron was looking at me funny after a night with me and harry."
"WAIT! You've done it!" I say. Ok maybe she's just keeping it from me. Her checks go as red at her hair.
"We haven't done 'it' but we've done stuff," She continues. I couldn't tell whether I was mad at her for not telling me, grossed out by the fact that she 'did stuff' with my best friend or happy for her. Either way, my smile was so wide that she fell back from laughing.


The next morning I woke up bright and early to rush to the breakfast table. It was Saturday and I had a whole day to myself. The great hall was basically empty when I arrived, only a few Hufflepuff's sitting on the table beside mine. Tahlyia Nacole, a 7th year turned her head when she saw my sit down. She looked around me and saw no one.
"Hey! Where's Ginny?" She asked. She was in Ginny's astrology class because every time ginny gets back from one, she says how Tahlyia was making the whole class crake up with space puns. To be fair, they were pretty funny.
"Still in bed." I say and she sighs.
"But hey, I heard the comment you made to Malfoy the other day. Nice!" What comment? As people walked into the hall, the usual chatter wasn't present. Instead was a soft whisper and points towards me from all spaces in the room. What did I do?

Finally Ginny, Harry and Ron walks through the large door. I smile at them and wave them over.  Not that I needed to, we always sit here anyway. As soon as Ginny got into hearing distance she says,
"I still can't believe you made that comment to Malfoy yesterday!" She laughs. Was so confused. Did I just say something without knowing?
"Or is it only a sexual relationship?" She says mimicking my voice. Oh, that comment. After last nights events I had completely forgotten about that comment.
"I mean he didn't deny it." Harry laughs and suddenly all the food pops up onto our plates. Ron sits there picking at his food, head in his hands.
"Yeah well at least he gets some," He snaps. Ginny shots a look at me.
"HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT!" She spits at him I stare at him in awe. My mouth wide open. He looks up at me and quickly down at his food.
"YOU ARE HORRIBLE AND SO DISRESPECTFUL!" She screams loud and everyone turns their heads.
"Geez Ginny calm down. People will think I've gotten a howler!" Ron looks at me and nods his head towards Ginny, trying to say 'she's crazy!'
"No she's right!" I say standing up beside Ginny.
"That was nasty and rude and so disrespectful It actually makes me feel sick!" I shout. Mind you not as loud as Ginny but still.
"Ok I'm sorry then!" He wasn't sincere.
"You made me feel like to we're fine with my request,"
"Hi Ron!" The pretty princess Lavender Brown walks past us and winks at Ron. My and ginny slowly turn our heads. We are all bright red but all with different reasons. I peer at Ginny and her eyes are like flames burning into Ron's soul.
"You can't blame a guy for having needs" he mumbles. I wanted to scream but contain myself. I can't say the same about Ginny. She punched the table and started jumping on the spot. Ron looked around and sunk lower into his chair.
"We're done! You greedy man whore!" I say. The room went silent, other then Ginny's rage
screams .
"I thought you said we weren't even together?" He says in a sassy bitchy go get fucked kinda way. I got hot. I couldn't contain myself.
"PIG!" I scream and storm out the room. Everyone watched me walk off, ginny still bouncing in her seat.
"MOVE!" I yell and push past someone on my way out the door.

Draco's P.O.V
I walk through the door of the great hall for breakfast. It was quiet. To quiet. Not quite silent because Ginny Weasley was screaming and jumping in her seat. Granger was storming in my direction with obvious fury escaping through there eyes, nose, ears and just about anywhere that it can.
"MOVE!" She yells and pushed past me.
"What's her problem?" Blaise says.
"I dunno, she probs raging cos she only got a 97% on her test." Pansy snorts. The boys behind me laugh and I watch the crowed room around me stare at us like we had just grown 2 heads. I turn around and push through the boys behind me just as Granger did. Where did she go?

Thx for reading this chapter. Next chapter will have some dramione content for you to read so get ready!!!! Sorry I know this chapter is really long I just had a sudden burst of inspiration 😁

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