Chapter 28

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Ron's P.O.V

"What the hell happened?" I say waking up in the middle of the dungeon halls. My head ached, and so did my chest, legs and well pretty much my whole body.

"Your hungover," Harry said. He was sitting on a bench on the other side of the hall. He looks exhausted, "after you got SUPER drunk and started coming on to half the girls in the room, you turned up the music and the teachers came down. You started running but fell over your own feet in the hall and got stampeded by the rest of the kids." He says. He didn't seem to care that much that I could have died from it but I hadn't so I guess that's a plus.

"I ruined the party?"

"Destroyed it. For everyone." He says skulling the last of his glass of water. I felt pretty awful. Not only for what I had done but also just physically and I also felt like I was about to throw up, which seems like I've already done considering I stunk and had it running all down my outfit.

"I'm never drinking alcohol again!" I say trying to get to my feet but failing and excepting my fate on the hard concrete floor.

"Yep, Let's hope." Harry says. He gets up and gives me his hand, letting me wrap my arm around him as he walks up out the the cold dungeons and to the main building. Everyone was either in the same state as me or greasing me off for ruining last night before they could reach my state.

"What about Hermione and Malfoy?"

"What about them?"

"What happened to them?"

"Well, Hermione watched as you embarrassed yourself trying to talk to girls and then they ran off together when McGonagall came." He says.

"Probably gone to have sex no doubt." I roll my eyes. Harry does too but not for the same reason,

"You know, not everything is about you Ron! You tried to last night and you failed miserably! And weren't you the one saying no one would ever get into Hermione's  pants? And now your the one spreading rumours?" Harry sounded pissed. I knew I messed up but Granger and Malfoy really annoyed me. I couldn't wait for Christmas break! Everyone to forget everything for a few weeks and enjoy Christmas. Everything back to normal for a bit!

We arrive at the common room. Ginny and Granger are sitting on the stairs. Hermione is bright red and Ginny and half asleep. As we walk past, they both shoot and up and stop talking about whatever they were talking about. All the pain that was rushing through my body came to a holt. My face went hot And I could tell I was getting annoyed. I don't know why I was so flamed but I needed to extinguish this or it will be way worse later. I know I have horrible reasons for doing things but every time I see that girl blushed I know it's no longer about me and is because of that good for nothing sleaze! Why do I feel like this? I really need to find a way to get over that!

Hermione's P.O.V
Last night was horrible! Ron completely ruined everyone's night! First he comes harassing us at the start, then he gets drunk and tries to hit me with a bottle, then he goes and tried to sleep with every girl there which I have to admit was hilarious to watch, and then he goes and gets us all caught and put in detention! The one good thing about that night was my no longer awkward feelings towards Draco, there was of course a reason. I couldn't wait for the Christmas holidays now!!! But first of course I needed to tell Ginny I wouldn't be coming to her house with her. She will be crushed. Between her stupid brother/s and her boyfriend who she is having troubles with, it's going to be hard telling her she will be left alone with all of them.

the sun was rising outside the window. everyone was sleeping in bed, probably hungover and feeling like shit. i wan't feeling too good either. i only had like 2 shots but for my first time, i don't think they agreed with me completely. Ginny on the other hand, got hammered. not as bad as Blaise though. i swear something was happening between them last night. they were so touchy-feely and really giggly. i haven't seen Ginny like that in a long time, but maybe it was just the alcohol. speak of the devil, Ginny sits up, eyes glued shut and yawns super extra and over the top.

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