Chapter 41

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Draco's P.O.V

"So how long have you two been together?" a random 5th year asked me. There was a group surrounding me. I just wanted to take a shower. They all, like me had their towels wrapped around their waist and half of them were still dripping.

"It's really none of your business." I say. They all laugh at him for being "roasted". It wasn't really a roast, more of a fact. Most guys would have loved this. Talking and bragging about their hot as fuck girlfriends to every guy in sight but i just wanted this to be over.

"Come on Malfoy! Don't be a pussy. just tell us."

"I said mind your own business!" I snap. They all jump and run out the bathroom, slipping and sliding around the floor. I sigh. Shit. I turn off the running water I hadn't jumped into yet and just stood near the mirror. What have I become? Getting into fights? screaming at, to be fair, annoying kids? it was for a good cause though. Hermione was even more then i ever imaged she would be. My good Draco was so much better, but my bad Draco seemed more vicious. it only ever came out when someone insulted Mione. I look into the mirror. I think I lost weight! My arms is a lot less flabby. I start poking away at my arm fat and then i see it. I feel my body shiver, as if a cold rush of wind hit my half naked body. And then I too, sprint out of the wet bathroom.

I through my top over my top half as I ran towards my dormitory. there wasn't much time and I didn't know who to talk to. I slip down the hall and crash into the door, pushing it open. I come to a screeching holt as I entered the room.

"I think Hermione may be right!" I say. the room stays silent. please tell me i hadn't just spoken to no one! I take a look at the people who were sitting on the beds in the room. Blaise (as I hoped) and Ginny.

"When is she not though?" Ginny giggles. My face goes red. They sit there waiting for me to continue.

"Uh, we kind of need to talk." I say gesturing towards Blaise and me. Ginny sits there for a moment then jumps up.

"Oh right! Sorry. Nice towel by the way." she giggles and then walks out the room, closing the door behind her. I wanted to ask why she was in here but went straight past it. Blaise was shocked by that decision I could see it on his face. I sit down on the bed across from him, take a deep breath and say,

"I think the dark lord had returned." There was a few moments of silence. Blaise just looked into my face blankly, and then burst out laughing. I roll my eyes as he rolls onto his back, about to pee himself from laughter. "You done?" I ask as he sits himself back up and wipes a tear from his eye.

"As in the guy that flaked off into a million pieces? Yeah I don't think so." he says patting me on the shoulder and throwing himself back down on the bed. I slap his leg, making him jerk up.

"I'm not messing around! Look, my tattoo is getting darker." I pull up my sleeve, revealing the tattoo. He looks at it with a muddled expression on his face.

"How can you tell?"

"I have been staring at this tattoo for over a year, wondering why I got it in the first place. I know every little detail about this tattoo and can tell even if one of the scales shift. This tattoo is getting darker! Do you know what this means?" he pauses.

"That we live in a world full of magic?" he says, I slap him again.

"NO! It means that the dark lord is getting stronger, more powerful!" my throat was croaky, and my hand was shaking.

"Like I said before, Voldemort died a year ago. In fact he didn't just die, he turned into ash, dust, just floating powder that can never be put together again. Like an impossible puzzle."

"Yeah but what if it's not Voldemort?" he looks at me confused again. He has probably been confused his whole conversation.

"Who would it be?"


"Delphini... as in your cousin Delphini? The one that was born like a year ago? How to you suppose she could do any evil?"

"Hermione told me that she heard McGonagal and Trelawney talking about her 'coming of age' whatever that meant."

"Do you think its like 'coming of age' to go to Hogwarts?"

"Well that's what i thought but after this tattoo it might mean something else. Like 17 is the age in which a person can do magic outside of school. What if that's what's meant by 'coming of age'?" he sits and thinks. Suddenly he starts shaking his head.

"Come on Draco. Think for a moment here. We might live in a world of magic, but not magic that can make a person age 17 years in a few months if that's what you're insinuating." I shrug my shoulders. What else could it mean? One thing is for sure though. My tattoo is getting darker. Something dark is about to happen and I am horrified to see what it is.

After Blaise leaves the room, I was left alone. Confused, angry, scared. All emotions to powerful for me to handle. I stand up and try to take deep breaths.

"UGH!!!" I scream and my hand flies at the wall. CRASH! my fist hurts now. Good job Draco. my past is to dark to relive. Maybe i am still a monster? I think to myself, as I look at the whole I have created in the wall. My hand was throbbing. Blood spluttering out of every knuckle. "ugh." I say again. I hold my hand and walk over to my trunk, pulling out a bandage and a poster to cover up the hole. lets just say I have a lot of posters up on this wall, and my wall at home. speaking of which, Bailey came fluttering in through the window. "Hey Bailey!" I saw, petting her neck. She has a note perched in between her beaks. She purred like a cat and dropped the letter on the windowsill. Weird. I never get letters anymore. I turn over the note and get chills. the note falls out of my hand and hits the ground. Oh no. I bend down and pick up the letter addressed to Draco Lucius Malfoy. The stamp was the thing that made me realize who the note was from.

Dear Draco,

I am truly sorry I haven't written to you sooner. Things at Azkaban were rough. But good news has finally come. Delphini is of age. She has risen and is sworn to all that defeated her parents the last time, she will win and avenge them. I have escaped from Azkaban. I won't be on the run for much longer however, Delphini has made me her second in command. She would love to have her cousin working with her as well. Join us again. And this time we will not be defeated. We can rule the magical and scummy muggle world!

Sincerely your dear Father, Lucius Malfoy.

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