Chapter 10

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Skip the paragraph if you just want to read the story

omg, guys it's the tenth chapter!!! I can't believe it!!!sorry, I'm such a weirdo. Anyways, I'm so grateful you guys are here. Ever since last year I've been writing snippets on pieces of paper. Creating this story in my head, without writing it down permanently is hard lemme tell ya. And like even if you guys don't care about me, I wake up every morning wanting to continue the story. So thank you all for that you guys motivated me more than I motivate myself. Whit that let the story begin! (sorry again, I just always wanted to write that)

✧✧✧Emery's POV✧✧✧

This will be interesting.
I walked into the music class and approached my teacher Lucien to give him my doctor's note.
I lightly tapped his shoulder, and he turned around quickly.
"Em?", he said surprised. I was kinda used to Lucien calling me Em. He was younger, than my other teachers, and was a lot more chill. Everyone called him by his first name cause he felt weird being called a Mister.
"Yeah umm I can't play for the next few courses I got a concussion"
"Oh yeah I herd. It's fine you can just sit in the corner or something"
I nodded and turned around. Lucien was actually my mom's best friend through high school so we often went to his house and he came to our condo with his wife and kids and stuff. It was really awkward. If anything happened to my mom and dad, me and my sisters would go to Lucien's house. Which would just make matters worst.
I sat in the corner, mostly communicating with Kay. We've become really close, she's like a part of me I've never discovered, until now. She would occasionally be the little voice inside of my head but nothing more.
At lunch I went to my locker and got my lunch and headed back to the music area to eat in peace. The food infused with the Megaries tasted really good and looked appetizing but if someone without powers ate it, they'd throw up on the spot.
I ate my sandwich that Theo made for me in silence until Lucien came and sat next to me.
"Hey Em are you ok? You seem... different"
No shit, this guy is a genius.
"Yeah I'm ok"
"Your mom's worried Em. She didn't hear from you for little over a week"
Oh the nerve of this guy.
I slowly felt Kay take control. Not yet!
Please, this guy is a pain in the ass.
"Lucien I'd love to tell my mom everything but that doesn't mean I will. She lied to me she pushed me away when I had no one else!", I exclaimed.
He looked at me with sorry eyes.
"Em ever since your mom did that to you I... I wasn't able to look at her the same way. What she did way awful but that doesn't mean she doesn't care for you"
My eyes welled up. I wasn't ready to face my parents yet.

Hello?... Em... Is... Is this working?

I recognized that voice.


Em, I wasn't sure if this would

Theo what are you doing in our head?

Is this Kay?

Who else?

Can you just pop into my head?
Not exactly, I can only do this if Kay lets me in you head... Kinda like if I was calling you but without a phone.

Yes Theo we get it.

Yeah anyways can we meet I have a surprise for you.

A surprise? Is it taking me out of my misery and going to the Terermari High School?

Uhh no

Dude can't you see that she doesn't want to go to this boring
ass school.

I'm done talking to you Kay, just please come meet me.


Ok I'll meet you at your school after it finished.

Blah blah blah

Ok see ya


"Earth to Emery", Violet said while waving her hand in front of my head.
"Dude you zoned out for like 10 minutes"
"Oh sorry lost in my thoughts"
"When did you get back? You didn't answer any of my calls or texts!"
"Yeah sorry I was kinda in Toronto"
"Wow such an excuse! You know they have wifi in Toronto right?"
Your friend is stupid
Shut up
"Yeah I know, I didn't have time"
Shut up
"Arg whatever...", she said while walking away.
That's not a friendship I'd pursue, I mean she's a total bitch.
Shut up.
I got my stuff and headed to my next classes.
At the end of the day I waited in the main entrance for Theo.
"Hey", I hear from behind me.
I turned around, it was Theo.
"Jeez how did you get in here? You know the doors are locked right?"
He pointed towards his belt. I shrugged.
We flew from Laval to a tall condo building in downtown Montreal. We landed on a big balcony, high up overlooking everything below.
"Theo why are we here?"
He unlocked the door and opened the lights inside. It was a beautiful modern condo, with a lot of blue and purple accents.
There was an open kitchen, and dining room that were connected.
A large white sofa in the living room with a big TV. There were four rooms and two bathrooms, one leading to the master bedroom.
"This is your new condo, do you like it?"
"Theo it's amazing"
"Well I can't take all the credit. I only decorated, Magico payed for everything"
He sighted.
"No one reads contracts anymore"
I chuckled lightly.
"It said and I quote 'Magico should pay for any Agent's residences if they are on mission'"
"Ohh", I said trying to take everything in.
Great now they give you this fucking big condo.
Enjoy the moment Kay.
"Well, we have to go back to Magico tonight, we're returning Tuesday morning"
"Yeah we told your teachers it was imperative that you received proper medical treatment constantly."
At least we don't have to go to that school of yours.

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