Switch [Final Part]

Start from the beginning


'I am NOT warming up to him'

'I hate his happiness'

'No I don't hate him'

'I envy how happy he is'

'I just...'

'Don't like him...'



[Damian's POV]

Maps was right.

If we or most likely I, forced Switcher to end the spell, then that would give my life back.

It was already evening, so I only had a few hours left.

I sigh,

'If this goes wrong...'

"You ready?"

Her question interrupts my thoughts.

"Of course" I reply.

We started walking inside Gotham Academy.

We both needed to draw attention for Vivian, who we knew was watching us.

The school was the best place to have a little fight and not cause too much commotion.

We get into position and start out plan.

'Vivian, I hope you're ready'


[Third POV]

"Damian, I think I'm... in love with you"

Damian reaches for her hands,

"I feel the same way"

Maps smiles and so does he.

They both started leaning in.


'She fell right into the trap'

They both mentally smirked since they had to keep on with their little act.

Before Maps could do anything, she was pushed aside by a strong force coming from no where.

Damian rushes to help her up as they gaze to Vivian who was being surrounded by wind.

The fast-paced wind swirled around her and after while, it faded to reveal Switcher.

Both Damian and Maps had to act quick, so they ran to an empty classroom and locked the door behind them.

They backed away from the door slowly until the door was pushed and broken in.

"Damian, boy, you only have 2 hours left till the clock strikes 12"

Switcher smirks before laughing.

Damian furrows his eyes,

"And I'll defeat you"

Switcher stays silent for a while before giving out another laugh,

"And how exactly? I don't think your girlfriend over there, loves you"

She points at Maps,

"I can feel it" she adds.

Maps crosses her arms and smirks,

"-TT-, there are always alternative ways"

Switcher sneers.

Damian couldn't help but fadely snicker,

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