The Letter

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Setting: Early morning, overcast

*Hiccups POV*

   I was woken from my sleep by someone knocking on my door. "Just a sec.." I mumble and I get out of bed and open the door. "You.. What are you doing here?" The man smirked "I'm simply here to deliver a letter from my brother" I glare at him and snatch the letter from his hands "Ok. you've done your job, now leave before I-" He punched me in the gut "You'll do what" I recover and catch my breath "This TOOTHLESS!" Toothless jumps up from his resting place and runs to my aid. "Now get lost Ryker" He smirks before walking away.

   I close the door and grab a candle to read the letter.

 Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III,

I warned you not to go back to Berk, but it seems as though you have other plans. Let me make this clear Hiccup, if you do not follow my rules, you know what will happen to your precious dragons and Berk. So my friend, follow the rules, because we both know, I won't miss a second time.

-Yours truly, Viggo

   I set the letter down shakily. "C-come on bud, w-we need t-to leave" He only nodded and we made our way to the chiefs hut. I knock on the door. "Oh Hiccup, what are you doing here this early?" I take a deep breath and try to stop shaking. "W-we have t-to leave" He looks at me concerned "Why?" I take a shaky breath "H-he said, if I don't, he will hurt t-the dragons a-and B-Berk." He pulls me inside "Who Hiccup?" I sigh "Viggo"

   "Viggo? As in Viggo Grimborn?" I nod, "I'm sorry, I-I cant risk hurting you o-or the d-dragons, We are l-leaving tonight.." He nods sadly "Son, I understand that your scared and want to protect us, but Berk has dealt with his kind before, we can fight whatever he sends our way" I shake my head "No! You don't understand what he's capable of! Whatever you could imagine he would send you, Triple it. He is working with Drago and is making a dragon army dad. He has enough dragons to take out Berk and all the surrounding islands in a few days. I'm sorry, I cant risk it.." 

   "Son I-" I cut him off "Sorry dad, I'll stay for the day to say goodbye" With that, I left the hut and ran to the forest. "No bud, I need to be alone.. you stay here" I say before leaving Toothless at the edge of the forest

   *Unknown POV*

   Perfect, the boy is alone. "Get ready" I whisper to the men behind me. He makes his way into a cove, "Men, block all exits" They nod and run off.

   I creep closer to an entrance and watch Shadow sit by the pond. "Hello?" He asks while looking around. "Hello Shadow" I say, emerging from my hiding spot. "Who are you?" He asks while in a defensive stance. "Oh Shadow, you know who I am" I smirk. "Wh- Dagur.. What do you want?" He glares at me "Oh brother, you know good and well what I want, I want the night fury, but, that's not why I'm here." I walk closer to him

   "I've been asked by Drago himself, to escort you to his base. Now, you might be asking yourself; Why hasn't my brother killed me yet. And to answer that" He scoffs "I actually wasn't thinking of that but ok" I glare at him and reach for my knife before stopping "As I was saying, I'm not going to kill you, because Drago wants to kill you himself. But, he never said I couldn't have a little bit of fun first" I smirk and grab my dagger.

   "Dagur please, what are you doing. First you follow me, then you threaten me with no backup and now this?" I laugh, "Dear brother you should know by now, I never work alone" I whistle and all my men come from their hiding places. Hiccup backs away, looking for a way out. I walk up to him and grab his arm.

   "Toothle-!" He tries to call for help but I cut him off by sinking the dagger into his stomach. He fails to hold in a scream "Now brother, lets go to the boss shal-" I'm cut off by a plasma blast and see a group of dragon riders, ready to attack. "No! You always ruin everything! Retreat!" 

*Astrids POV*

   I was walking around the village with Stormfly and the gang when Toothless ran up to us panicking. "Toothless what's wrong!? Where's Hiccup?" He gestures to the woods and we hear a scream "Hiccup.. Guys come on! Somethings happened to Hiccup!" We take off and follow Toothless to the cove. There we see Dagur and a bunch of men, surrounding Hiccup. Toothless shoots a plasma blast and the men run off.

   Hiccup then falls limp once the are gone "Oh gods! Hiccup!" we land and I run to him. I see a knife sticking out of his abdomen "We need to get him to Gothi! Now!" I pick him up gently and climb onto Stormfly. Then, we head back to the village to find the healer. 'Oh gods Hiccup, what did you get yourself into.'

881 words not bad hehe sry its a lil late, I rewrote this like 3 times cause I didn't know how I wanted it to happen. It's getting interesting boiz ;) k bye


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