20 years later

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Dragonese will be in italics like this
Norse will be in normal font like this
Ok so hiccup wears the same armor from the second movie only it's completely black and has a dragon scale cloak that has Toothless' scales sewn into it. And yes hiccup did already defeat the red death and lost his leg, and toothless did loose his tail fin already from..idk just use ur imagination —insert spongebob— there ya go have fun.👌

*Hiccups POV*

"Toothless, I know you're here" I said as I crept around the pillars of ice. 'Ha gotcha' I thought as I saw toothless hiding infront of me. "BOOO!!" I yelled as I jumped onto toothless' back. "No!! How did you find me so fast?" Toothless said angrily. "I don't know how did it?" I said mockingly. Toothless grumbled and hit me with his tail. "Haha very funny tooth" I said as I stood up.

"Hiccup, Toothless, the king would like to see you now" A small terrible terror named Sharpshot said as he flew up to the us. "Ok thank you Sharpshot. Come on tooth lets go" I said to my friend as I climbed onto his back. We flew out into the open area of the sanctuary where the king stood waiting.

"My king." I said bowing to the giant dragon in front of me, Toothless doing the same. "My children, I have called you here to inform you of troubles on a far island. Even though the evil queen (red death) has been defeated for years, there are still dragons attacking and raiding one island in particular. The Island of Berk." The king said in a worrying voice. "My king we will waste no time in seeing why this is happening." Toothless said bowing once more. "Good, now hurry and set out for Berk, and stop these raids. And please be careful my sons" The king said as he watched us fly out of the sanctuary.

—Le amazing time skip brought to you by ruff and tuffs stuffed yak—

As we got closer to Berk, I made sure my helmet was on tight, and pulled up the hood of my cloak over my head. Then, I leaned closer to Toothless' back to avoid being spotted. Then Berk came into view. "Ok tooth, we gotta be careful here, we don't want to get spotteeed!" I roared the last part as we dodged a bola. "That was a little too close bud, let's fly higher in the clouds then we can find a place to land." We flew up higher and made our way, carefully, to the back of the island. "Hiccup look. There's a cove down there that we can land in for a bit" Toothless said.

We landed safely on the cove and hid in a cave. "We need a plan and fast. Those dragons won't leave until they are forced to. And by the time they are, it might be too late for most of them." I said quickly to Toothless. "I think we should go to the hill behind the main village, there you could get the dragons attention and get them to leave." Toothless warbled. "That's a good idea bud, we should leave now, the sun will be up soon and we need the cover of darkness for stealth." He nodded and I climbed on his back, then we took off in the direction of the village once more.

"Land there bud" I said pointing to a spot on the hill. As we landed, I hopped off and crawled on all fours next to toothless. We crept forward till I got close enough to call. "Stop!" I roared as loud as I could. All the dragons stopped and looked towards us. "You all need to leave now! It's not safe here!" I roared again. "And who are you too tell us what to do?"A Monstrous Nightmare said, landing in front of us. "I am known as shadow in the dragon world." I said proudly. "Apologizes for my rudeness Shadow, but where would we go, we have no home, that's why we stay here and fight." He said back. "Fly north for 2 days, you will then hear the call of the king. He will give you a home at the sanctuary." I said kindly. "Thank you Shadow" he said bowing before roaring for the others to follow.

"Ok bud, looks like our work here is done." I said before hopping back on his back. We flew off hoping to go back to the cove to rest. But, before we could. "Night fury! Shoot it down!" I heard someone yell out. "Oh no. Toothless!!" I yelled, but it was too late. A bola wrapped around his tail and one wing. "Hiccup get out of the saddle so I can hold you!" Toothless roared. I did as he told me too and he wrapped his free wing around me just before we hit the ground.

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